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New Vampire Mod Taking Skyrim's Steam Workshop by Storm

New Vampire Mod Taking Skyrim's Steam Workshop by Storm

A new vampiric-orientated mod has just been released on the Steam Workshop for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. The mod, titled "Augustine's Gift" is still in development but has already jumped to the top of today's charts, and is even halfway up the second page in the weekly chart showing its popularity with the fans of Tamriel's most Northen-based game.

"Augustine's Gift" features a new follower, called (you guessed it) Augustine, who is not quite the same as the other companions you may encounter in Skyrim; she is a vampire. She behaves just like a regular follower at the moment, charging in to battle with you and hanging out in your abode (wherever that may be) but many updates are on the way including:

  • Custom Dialogue
  • Vocal Overhaul
  • Vampire Den (her own home)
  • The Gift

The latter of these "The Gift", is the most exciting, as Augustine will offer the player the option of joining her as a bloodsucking denizen of the dark.

augustine new

The creator of the mod, known by his Steam tag as [HM]Kbomb has obviously put a huge amount of effort into the mod, which is extremely impressive, especially considering the fact that "Augustine's Gift" is his very first public mod. If you have Skyrim on Steam, the mod is available here, be sure to check it out. We'll certainly be keeping our eyes peeled for his updates!

Emsey P. Walker

Emsey P. Walker

Junior Editor

Emsey is a lover of games and penguins. Apparently she does some writing too...somewhere...

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