Deus Ex Diaries Part Eighteen
This is my ongoing exploration of the Deus Ex Universe, in preparation for when Mankind Divided arrives. Whether you’re a newcomer or an old-goer, I hope to make this something you can read along with and enjoy. We continue on with Deus Ex.
With Tracer Tong wanting a new dark age, Morgan Everett wanting me to join the Illuminati and now Helios telling me to merge with him, one thing was certain in the underground bunker of Area 51 -- Bob Page had to die...
I said my goodbyes to Helios and went back down the elevator, making my way to Sector 4. Helios had now opened the way for me, and not even Grey alien clones were going to stop me: though they did try. I threw an EMP grenade at the robot scorpion down near the blast doors, taking it out, and went on to meet my destiny.
"Oh no, whatever shall I - EMP GRENADE!"
Or, rather, into Sector 4, where Bob was hiding as he augmented himself. Despite him claiming to be “much further” than Sector 4… Seemed that guy was just full of crap at every turn…
Gary Savage came over the hologram communicator at the end of the hallway (seriously, how many of these does one facility need?). He told me that Helios had taken control of Hong Kong -- opened up the roads and cut power to many buildings, including locking the doors of the Luminous Path Triad’s headquarters. JC voiced his opinion that perhaps he could control Helios and rule the world benevolently, which Savage seemed to agree with.
"As far back as the 20th-century...?"
I enter the next area and find bacta tanks some kind of stasis tanks with what appear to be larger Grey aliens than the ones I’d been murdering. As I read the data pads, I found that they were humans, including a tank which JC was apparently birthed in! I also had to dodge an exploding door which Bob blew up to give me hassle, whilst he gave me lip over comms.
"Stay the hell in there, Luke..."
For the past couple of hours, Bob had been bragging that he was JC’s creator, that he was the only reason that JC lived. Yet he didn’t seem too happy that JC was systematically making his way towards him…
I went through the door Bob told me about, and found a room full of radiation and a couple of Greys. I took them out and hacked the door, exiting to the main chamber which housed Bob himself.
Yes, of course it wasn't as easy as it looked...
Morgan came over comms and told me that I had to disable four fusion reactors which were powering Bob’s defenses. Alex Jacobson chimed in and told me that he had three of the four digits to do just that, but I would have to work out the final one myself.
I went in to see Bob and he did some more taunting and told of how he is going to become a being of pure energy, so I could suck it. Then he turned his auto-turrets on me, and I legged it. I was attacked by spider-bots, so destroyed them -- only for more to be created by a universal constructor. I used multitools to get into a nearby room and locked the doors to the constructor, and carried on about my business.
Making my way down to the lower level, I found one of the fusion reactors and began guessing at the final number. It took me seven attempts to find it was 3, and got congratulated by Morgan. As I found and deactivated the second one after going through a tunnel, Tracer contacted me, telling me again to disable the Aquinas Hub and take down the entire facility. Bob taunted me a little more as I activated a little mech to fight the Greasels and bigger monsters, saying that the universal constructors could make many more -- yep, there was another constructor.
I went back upstairs and found another reactor, disabling that and killing some more Greys. A third universal constructor was already making more, so I ran again as Bob began telling me that if I forgot about the final reactor, he would give me anything! Money, power, women! Well, not the last one, in fact he offered more augmentations. Because that was going so well for him...
I found and disabled the fourth reactor, then went back to the top level with my shields on. I went through the auto-turret fire and around to press the little red button.
Bob let out some screams, but I was already on my way with my laser sword in-hand, to cut him down as he attacked. Which he didn’t… It seemed that disabling his forcefield killed him and I missed the show…
And missed my chance to screenshot him...
A cutscene began, showing JC and Morgan behind the giant hand statue beneath the Versalife building in Hong Kong. The world is back under Illuminati control, though they will never know it.
'Better to reign in Hell, than to serve in Heaven.' - John Milton
22 hours since Part One, I finish Part Eighteen.
Next up -- Deus Ex: Invisible War! Join me for Part Nineteen...