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GameGrin's Top 10 Games of 2015

GameGrin's Top 10 Games of 2015

As we say farewell to 2015 and look forward to all the upcoming releases in 2016, our wonderful podcast team debated for over an hour to construct the official GameGrin Top 10 Games of the Year list. With over a dozen nominations, not all of the favourites got in, with honourable mentions going to Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Cities: Skylines, and Crypt of the Necrodancer.

Let’s kick it off with number 10:

the beginners guide

At number 9, we have Andrew’s surprise of the year:

chroma squad

Check out our review of Chroma Squad here.

Is it a game? Is it not a game? No matter, it’s our number 8:

her story

Check out our exploration of Her Story and similar games here.

Never underestimate Nintendo. Number 7:

super mario maker4

A long time in the waiting, number 6:

dreamfall chapters3

Check out our review of Dreamfall Chapters: The Longest Journey - Book One here.

The Sony-exclusive masterpiece, number 5 is:


Check out our review of the recent Bloodborne: The Old Hunters DLC here.

From announcement to release in just 5 months, our number 4 is:

fallout 6

Check out our review of Fallout 4 here.

VGA’s Game of the Year is our number 3:

witcher 6

Check out our review of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt here.

The indie gem that’s taken the industry by storm. Number 2:


and finally, the GameGrin Game of the Year goes to:

rocket league8

Check out our review of Rocket League here.

Did your favourite make our list? Tell us in the comments which games you loved from this year. To hear how our list was built, check out GameGrin’s GrinCast.

Tom Bickmore

Tom Bickmore

Staff Writer

Biggest mug at GameGrin

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azrael316 - 11:37am, 1st January 2016

HOw is Fallout 4 or The Witcher not #1?

Rocket League is Ok, just doesnt have the longevity of the other two IMHO..

trbickmore - 03:44pm, 1st January 2016 Author

Rocket League has far more longevity for me. Haven't even bothered to finish F4 or W3.

Dombalurina - 10:55pm, 1st January 2016

Same here. Fallout 4 and The Witcher 3 are both excellent games and it was very close, but ultimitely as a multiplayer-centric game, it has a huge natural longevity and it's just more fun than anything else I've played this year. 

trbickmore - 02:13pm, 2nd January 2016 Author

Being fun is how half of my list was formed. Until Dawn, Mortal Kombat X, and R6:Siege have all been great for me, because I played them with friends.

Acelister - 12:39pm, 2nd January 2016

Rocket League doesn't have a slow beginning and the risk of a disappointing end, allowing you to get into it right away for as long as you want. I've not encountered any bugs, and you don't miss anything by not getting the cosmetic-only DLC. And they give free DLC!

Hamiltonious - 02:56pm, 4th January 2016

Having recently got Undertale I can completely vouch for its position in the list. I think it says a lot about 2015 as a year that so many "indie" games managed to make such headway.

Calmine - 08:24pm, 4th January 2016

After many arguments during our pod, I think we did awesome job on deciding. Let's hope this year is another great one.
