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Dauntless' New Behemoth Frostwülf Out Now

Dauntless' New Behemoth Frostwülf Out Now

The Deepfrost Embermane has received an upgrade and has become into a full-fledged Behemoth, and with it, a brand-new name: Frostwülf. This new icy foe has received balance refinements, an updated journal entry, a music track, its own mastery card, and a full set of armour and weapons that hunters can craft from its parts.

Players can head down to Snowblind Wastes to face the Frostwülf in a special island event, which will have hunters facing waves of Behemoths as it culminates into a final showdown against the Frostwülf. All of the Behemoths present in this event are especially resistant to attacks from regular weapons, so hunters will have to figure out creative ways to take them down.

This is part of the Frostfall Event live now on Dauntless, and as such will reward Frostfall Coins for hunters that break parts from the Behemoths present in the waves.

The Frostfall Event is out now, and has been since the 16th of December and will run until the 6th of January. 

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Staff Writer

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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