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Genshin Impact Version 2.4 Revealed

Genshin Impact, the winner of the Best Mobile Game award at The Game Awards, is receiving its 2.4 update soon.

"Fleeting Colors in Flight" will bring back Liyue's annual festival, the Lantern Rite, with tons of rich rewards and a chance to obtain a free four-star character from the Liyue region.

Additionally, the update will bring a brand-new area named Enkanomiya, an underwater nation beneath Inazuma that has been sealed away for thousands of years. It will feature new puzzles, enemies, and treasures to discover.

Explore Enkanomiya with the two new polearm characters releasing with the event. Shenhe, a Cryo polearm support that boosts not only Cryo damage, but other party members' Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst damage, and Yun Jin, the four-star polearm support releasing this patch. Equipped with her Geo Vision, she can buff normal attacks based on her defence and the variety of Visions present in the player's party.

Three fan-favourites are also getting a re-run of their banner, with Xiao, Ganyu, and Zhongly coming back in their very own Event Wishes throughout "Fleeting Colors in Flight".

Genshin Impact's version 2.4 update will be released on the 5th of January.

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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