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Is Warlords of Draenor Already in Early Alpha?

Is Warlords of Draenor Already in Early Alpha?

A few clues have started to sneak out of Blizzard HQ to suggest that the upcoming World of Warcraft expansion, Warlords of Dreanor may be in the alpha stages.
The process of development is usually that there is a small internal alpha, followed by a friends and family alpha. This is then followed up by a beta which increases in size over time.
The cause of the speculation is a tweet by Senior PvP Designer Brian Holinka who had the following to say:

Holinka is the PvP designer so it makes sense that he is testing his designs but 6.0 is said to be the new build for arena going forward which includes several major changes. These big differences include the removal of certain abilities, the stat squish, changes to crowd control and a rework of how health and damage scale. All these core gameplay changes have been slated to happen in the upcoming expansion.  Although Holinka being able to test these isn't confirmation of an alpha it is likely that these tests are part of one, or certainly being done as a prelude to one.

It has been suggested that the Warlords of Draenor pre-orders will appear with the launch of patch 5.4.7, which is currently on the PTR, so an alpha in progress now seems accurate. After all it is unlikely Blizzard will release a pre-order for Warlords of Dreanor before it is even in early beta.

Helen Ashcroft

Helen Ashcroft

News Specialist

Writer of randomness and maker of films Helen AKA Jetgirl lives with her hubby and 3 kids who support her gaming habit.

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