PUBG: Battlegrounds Aims To Refine The Gunplay Meta With Update 20.1
There are a few changes coming to the world of PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS, starting on the 11th of October, Update 20.1 will drop for PC. Consoles players will need to wait until the 19th to apply the update.
Let's highlight what you can expect.
The 2022 PUBG Global Championship begins on the 1st of November. To get the hype ball rolling, decorations pertaining to Esports such as flags, billboards and other decorations will be spread around the maps of Erangel, Taego and Miramar.
Update 20.1 will be making changes to PUBG’s gunplay. Weapon attachments are getting some buffs and some nerfs. The popular Vertical Foregrip attachment is having what was a +15% to sway control (firing) reduced to zero. The attachment's vertical recoil control will remain at 15%. Changes are also inbound for the Thumb Grip, Angled Foregrip, Halfgrip, and Lightweight Grip.
Scopes are getting tweaked a bit too. It seems the player base was using those fun full-automatic AR’s a little too much, changes are being made to allow the 8x and 15x scopes to be applied to the MK16A4 and the MK47 Mutant rifles. I suppose this is being done to try and provide some diversity, and allow weapons without full-automatic capability to be more of an option on the field.
Gameplay while in vehicles will receive some balance changes as well. Players that are presently driving a vehicle will no longer be able to reload while using the steering wheel. The vehicle can still be moving but you won’t be able to steer and reload at the same time. Small arms such as handguns will be receiving a 50% reload duration increase, as well as an increase from 10% to 20% recoil while using vehicles. The recoil changes are limited to PC players.
The Bluezone for the map of Deston is having its radius rate and start delay increased for the first few minutes of the match. The radius rate will be receiving a 30% increase, while the start delay goes from 150s to 180s. During phase two players will see an increase in the radius by 15% and the damage magnifier per distance go up by 6%. The Bluezone will also be doing more damage to those using a Jammer Pack on Miramar, Karakin, Haven and Deston. Expect to receive 27% more damage.
Coming to Update 20.1 is a new radio messaging feature. Teammates will be able to alert each other regarding items nearby or in their inventory. Requests for specific items such as scopes or attachments will also be possible.
Finally, PUBG will be starting its Ranked Season 20. The in-game leaderboards will be reset after server maintenance is complete. With Season 19 ending, all rewards earned during the season will be added to the player's inventory.
For a full list of bug fixes and changes, check out the patch notes here.