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Riot Games Talks League of Legends Season 1 Act 1, Welcome to Noxus, Alongside Future Season Themes

Riot Games Talks League of Legends Season 1 Act 1, Welcome to Noxus, Alongside Future Season Themes

As we jump into League of Legends' Season 1 Act 1, we are officially getting a look at Welcome to Noxus, the newest approach that Riot Games has for their hit MOBA game. Steering away from annual seasons, the team looks to keep the game fresh with major content updates every few months rather than every year, ensuring that there is something new for players to uncover at all times. In the first Dev Update of 2025, we got a look to learn a bit about what's coming in this Season, next Act, and future Seasons! Here's what you need to know.

Riot Mackivor and Riot Athelas (the newest Gameplay Director) spoke about thematic narrative expressions. Seasons moving forward will have a theme — like Act 1 is Welcome to Noxus — and most things about it will be compliant with that. The Battle Pass, Champion, Champion Rework, and related skins will be associated the thematic season, and the team wants to incorporate a bit more lore with these, too. In the latest Dev Update, Riot Mackivor and Riot Athelas (the newest Gameplay Director) announce the upcoming release of LeBlanc's visual update, likely with gameplay changes, too.

While the first Acts will focus on Runeterra, with the first being Welcome to Noxus, Riot Athelas mentions two things: first, even though a theme will be focused on a specific region, not every character from said region will appear. This is to prioritise quality over quantity, a controversial topic around League of Legends' hit show Arcane that ended last year on Netflix. Second, not all Acts will focus primarily on Runeterra, opening the possibility for other in-League of Legends universes to take over, such as a possible Star Guardian or Bee universe (as mentioned by Riot Mackivor).

This is all part of ensuring that League of Legends remains fresh for players. We're excited to see what we can expect regarding new universes and new regions we'll be delving into as the new Seasons unveil, but until then, League of Legends Season 1 Act 1: Welcome to Noxus will be available until the 5th of March, after which, Act 2 will kick off. We won't know the next Season theme until we get closer to it, and it will kick off on the 30th of April 2025.

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Staff Writer

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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