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Rotating Game Modes Return Re-imagined to League of Legends for Season 1 Act 1

Rotating Game Modes Return Re-imagined to League of Legends for Season 1 Act 1

As Season 1 Act 1 has officially released, we've gotten the opportunity to delve back into one of the most fan-favourite modes that players love to see: URF. Summoner's Rift may be overtaken by Noxus, but URF is an inevitability to come, as it has been one of League of Legends' most famous game modes ever (aside from the Vampire Survivors clone Swarm released a while back).

All Random URF is back, but that isn't the only news we received regarding rotating game modes. Back and better than ever, Riot Games is going to begin offering a permanent rotating game mode, available always per Act. This means that throughout Season 1 Act 1, players will be able to enjoy All Random Urf, which will last for about four patches (or two months). Once Season 1 Act 1 concludes, however, a new rotating game mode will be introduced: players will get the luxury of returning to Arena once again, though this time, it'll also have been invaded by Noxus.

This is part of Riot Games' plans to ensure League of Legends is refreshing, new, and exciting every season. With the drop of each Act, players will get the opportunity to enjoy a different Game Mode for extended periods, which means that rotating game modes will become a permanent part of League of Legends. Though we don't know what we can expect for Season 2 Act 1, players are already asking for the return of some fan favourites, including Ascension, Dominion, or Twisted Treeline.

This news arrives as part of the first Dev Update of 2025: Welcome to Noxus. It was a 16-minute video talking about all sorts of things, including upcoming events, cosmetics, the newest Champion, and more.

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Staff Writer

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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