Star Trek Online is Sprucing up Earth Spacedock
If you've seen the third season of Star Trek: Picard, you may have been wondering why Earth's Spacedock in Star Trek Online doesn't look the same. Well, so has developer Cryptic Studios, because they've been working to change that!
While Spacedock still looks like it used to, the revamp is going to be part of an upcoming update. It's not just the outside, but also the inside which you'll see when you dock or beam over — and docking will no longer beam you over, you'll enter via a turbolift!
What's more, the planet Earth is going to look a lot better, with 8k textures, new clouds, and an axial rotation!
There is a blog written by Taco, one of the Environment Artists who has been working on the facelift, which goes into a lot more detail.