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The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot Enters Open Beta

The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot Enters Open Beta

Hail mighty warriors! Yes, you read that right, with a title that might as well be straight from the liner notes of a Gloryhammer album, Ubisoft has announced that the kingdom of Opulencia opens its doors to the ravening horde on February the 25th.

Wealth, status and showboating are the name of the game in The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot and as Archer, Knight, Mage or Runaway (described as "badass chick with a massive axe") you will do all of this while laying dastardly traps in your own abode to keep thieving players from looting you.

Whoever dies with the most toys wins and in the prestige feudal heroism community of Opulencia there's a lot of toys to collect. Go register brave heroes, and have fun storming the castle!

Chris Wootton

Chris Wootton

Staff Writer

Vendor of anecdotes and drinker of coffee "Mr Woot" currently resides in the South West. He tends towards the sesquipedalian.

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