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Xbox One Streams 108000 Twitch Streams in Week One

Xbox One Streams 108000 Twitch Streams in Week One

Redmond behemoth Microsoft and Twitch.tv have announced that in the first week of streaming Xbox One players streamed over 108,000 broadcasts of them failing at Titanfall, getting eaten by zombies in Dead Rising, and being dismembered in Ryse.

On March 11th, 30% of Twitch's broadcasters were streaming from an Xbox One console, and in the service's first week Xbox One users made up 22 per cent of Twitch broadcasters with 108,000 broadcasts.

Microsoft has a put a lot of time and effort into ensuring their Twitch integration would be a robust experience, and based on the amount of Xbox One owners streaming from their living rooms, the move paid off.


Kevin Lin, COO of Twitch

The uptake rate of console users has surprised everyone with over 125,000 PlayStation gamers showing the world their successes and failures too.

Chris Wootton

Chris Wootton

Staff Writer

Vendor of anecdotes and drinker of coffee "Mr Woot" currently resides in the South West. He tends towards the sesquipedalian.

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