
Top Gear Test Track

Take part in our own recreation of the "Star in a Reasonably Priced Car" setup made famous by Top Gear.

Rules & Setup

Fastest overall lap time wins.


You'll be given a test run of 2 laps to learn the circuit and the car. Then, you'll go from a cold-start and perform your lap time. There's no do-overs if you make a mistake, or completely Jonathon Ross it and get lost.


The overall winner will receive a copy of Forza Motorsport 5 for Xbox One.


The top three times will get a trophy, and a goodie bag.


Player Time
1. djd4ws0n 1.42.2
2. AJCrowley 1.43.0
3. Platinum 1.43.6
4. Si^ 1.44.4
5. Drhobo13 1.44.5
6. Jamz 1.47.2
7. TGK 1.47.4
8. dldeadbolt 1.51.2
9. alsenior 1.55.7
10. pucechan 1.58.3
11. Hamiltonious 1.59.7
12. Floki 2.01.3