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So I Tried... Flowstone Saga

So I Tried... Flowstone Saga

Each edition of So I Tried… I will try a game that I have never played before. Will I find something new to love? Will I find something new to despise? I'll take a full half hour, no matter how bad it gets or how badly I do, to see if this is the game for me. For this challenge, I am trying out Flowstone Saga, a game that looks like a mix of an RPG with Tetris-like puzzles.

What I thought it was

When I was checking out games on the Steam sale, I saw an RPG with great pixel graphics. I am a huge fan of classic role-playing games but looking into it further it seemed like this game was different from the titles I had played in the past. It appeared to be an RPG with a huge emphasis on puzzles.

FlowstoneSaga build

What it actually is

Flowstone Saga is like a classic turn-based RPG, but instead of choosing attacks from a list, you will try to complete a falling-block puzzle. Initially, the enemies you fight are weak, so you only need to clear a few lines to inflict enough damage to take your foe down. The stronger your opponent, the more lines you need to successfully clear to defeat them. They also have more powerful attacks to harm you, so it takes strategy to prevent their charged-up moves and the explosive tiles they toss into your play area.

FlowstoneSaga puzzle

Will I keep playing

Flowstone Saga is a super fun twist on the classic turn-based RPG. It made the battles more interesting by forcing you to clear lines with the falling blocks to attack your enemy. This was a nice change from choosing your attacks from a list and constantly mashing buttons; it added a new layer of challenge. I will definitely keep playing. It feels like a perfect match since I love retro-style RPGs and Tetris, so combining the two is so much fun!

FlowstoneSaga harderbattle

Alana Dunitz

Alana Dunitz

Staff Writer

Lover of all games, old and new!

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