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Ultra Street Fighter IV - Meet the New Faces of SFIV

Ultra Street Fighter IV - Meet the New Faces of SFIV

We recently had the opportunity for a quick hands-on session with the third Street Fighter IV update, Ultra Street Fighter IV, and more importantly some time with the new challengers. Some notable differences and tweaks here and there have tidied up and balanced gameplay, while the introduction of a third Ultra Combo choice, Ultra Combo Double (where you can use either Ultra during the match but it will deal less damage), keeps things interesting whilst adding more tactics for the more professional players.

There are also six new stages on which to brawl, mainly stages lifted over from Capcom's previous foray Street Fighter X Tekken. There are some new modes and features yet to be announced ahead of its release in June, so exciting times ahead.

So without further ado let's meet the final five, who complete the Street Fighter IV roster with a character count of 44!

Here Comes a New Challenger... Rolento


First seen in the Street Fighter universe way back in Street Fighter Alpha 2, and as a boss in fellow Capcom arcade classic Final Fight before that, German military bastard Rolento returns with his arsenal of knives, grenades and fatal baton. Fast on his feet, Rolento is a very offensive character with an array of powerful baton attacks up close, and plenty of weaponry to take his opponent out from near and afar.

Here Comes a New Challenger... Poison


Another Final Fight veteran, Poison isn't strong but has long legs with a lengthy attacking reach, leading to more offensive attacks. She has a projectile attack too, with the downside of it being a lengthy recover time which can leave her a sitting duck. However, her fine combination of offensive and defensive moves makes her an easily accessible and balanced character. Poison made her first SF appearance as late as Street Fighter X Tekken, and is a little too generous with her trusty whip.

Here Comes a New Challenger... Hugo


Sensing a theme to these new faces to the Street Fighter roster, Hugo is the third and last Final Fight character returning to the series, having made his first SF appearance in Street Fighter III: 2nd Impact. Hugo is an ex-wrestler from Germany, and is by far the tallest character in the game, and as such is one of the slowest. He is slow beyond belief, but the payoff is that he is a powerhouse when his attacks connect. Hugo is one of those who will take time and patience to master.

Here Comes a New Challenger... Elena


Globetrotting African princess Elena joins the cast and brings her unique fighting talents with her. First seen in Street Fighter III: New Generation, Elena is deadly with, and quick on, her feet, and also has a unique ultra combo which allows her to heal herself rather than dish out the damage. Her sheer speed mixed with her powerful attacks which can be dealt in quick succession make her a formidable opponent. Just don't let her tomboyish demeanour fool you.

Here Comes a New Challenger... Decapre



Capcom have now finally revealed the fifth and final character. Decapre, a 'Bison doll' - brainwashed by M. Bison's shadowy organisation Shadaloo to be a perfect assassin - this will be Decapre's first outing as a playable character after only having spent time within the pages of Street Fighter comics. Despite looking like a Cammy skin mod and weilding Vega's weapon of choice, Decapre looks set to be a vicious close-quarters fighter in her own right. Cold, deadly and downright evil, Decapre is a welcome new challenger to the bulging Street Fighter IV roster.

Ultra Street Fighter IV will be available for digital upgrade from Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition in June this year on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, closely followed by the PC version in August. Those wanting to buy the full retail version will have to wait until August, but doing so grants you access to all previously available costume DLC, which is a hell of a lot of costumes... if that's your thing.

Gary Durston

Gary Durston

Staff Writer

Gary has been a gamer all his life and is a total retrohead. A lover of games, gaming and just about anything with a pixel, really.

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