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These songs have been featured as either a part of Gun Gun Pixies's licensed soundtrack, or in other mediums connected with the game, such as adverts or promotions.


- Aqua Walking
- Attack of the killer Virus
- Brilliant Communicator
- Commando
- Dancing Girl
- Every Happiness
- Funky Noises
- Geometry Control
- Go back home
- Gratifying Result
- Heavy Problem
- Hidden Treasures
- Inquisitor
- LASTATION's Theme 2017
- Let's go to grassland
- Little Dark Ritual
- Migration
- Milky Way Galaxy
- Next Sacred Wings
- Our Final Dream
- Phantom Thief
- PLANEPTUNE's Theme 2017
- Please be quiet
- Rainy lonely night
- Running with the purple wind
- Sense Danger
- Solid Park Exercise!
- Suspicion
- Sweet Melody
- Sweet Room Story, Never Ending!
- Thinking Reed
- Tiny Corps
- Tiny Garden
- Twinkle of the Stars
- Walk on a sunny day
- Welcome to our Home

Note: Some tracks may not be available for streaming. Tracks that were included later in the games lifespan via DLC may not be included.

Listen to music from Gun Gun Pixies 0.00 / 0.00