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Brut@l Coming to PC

Roguelike games are pretty fashionable right now. But whilst the modern game of this genre maintains the feel of those games of old, they don't keep the same graphical styling. See, the original Rogue was created on old fashioned mainframe computers that didn't have graphical abilities as such. Instead, they were crafted using ASCII characters in a similar manner to those pictures of Captain Picard face palming made out of text.

Brut@l is a modern re-imagining of the classic ASCII dungeon crawler, fusing old-school gaming with a unique 3D visual style to create something unique for PS4, PC, Mac and Linux. As with the original, your goal is to reach floor 26 and defeat the final boss, but as with the original, it will be brutally difficult. Checkout the trailer for more details. 


Gary "Dombalurina" Sheppard

Staff Writer

Gary maintains his belief that the Amstrad CPC is the greatest system ever and patiently awaits the sequel to "Rockstar ate my Hamster"

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