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Destiny 2: Revenant Act III Has Arrived

On 7th of January, Bungie dropped Act III of Destiny 2 : Revenant, where Guardians can assemble, and take the fight to the Kell of the undead Scorn: Firkul, the Fanatic.

In Act III, players will have a new Exotic mission to tackle: Kell’s Fall, and the ability to unlock a new vampiric-themed Exotic shotgun: Slayer’s Fang, to tackle it with. 

Alongside these, there are also two new Legendary weapons:

  • Red Tape: a Stasis Scout Rifle.
  • Heretic’s Fervor: a Stasis Rocket Launcher.

But that's not all. Five new artifact mods have been added to the pool, which enhance Void builds, boost grenade efficiency, and more.

Players wanting to know more can watch the attached trailer, or jump straight into Destiny 2: Revenant Act III right now.

Niall Cawley

Niall Cawley

Staff Writer

Fighting gods, but also sometimes not

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