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E3 2015 - Battleborn Gameplay Demo

Battleborn is the new upcoming FPSMOBA from Borderlands developers Gearbox Software. Get your lengthy look at with a gameplay demo.

In this E3 gameplay demo we get shown a team of five heroes on the planet Bliss as they infiltrate an old Peacekeeper base. It is only a small section of the story mode, which Gearbox have said, can be played either solo or with upto 5 players co-operatively.

Battleborn features 25 playable characters and in this demo you can get see five of those in action: Thorn, Caldarius, Phoebe, Orendi, Oscar Mike. More to shown off soon. 

Battleborn is coming this winter for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. For more information about Battleborn check out their official site.

Calum Parry

Calum Parry

Staff Writer

A bearded fellow whom spends most days gaming and looking at tech he can never afford. Has a keen eye for news and owns a dog that's a bear.

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