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First Class Trouble: An Authentic (and Twisted) Animated PSA Showcases the Game's 1950s Theme

Safety onboard First Class Trouble's luxury space cruise-liner is of the utmost importance. That's why developer Invisible Walls and publisher Versus Evil have released a 1950s-style animated instructional video, showing players how they can behave (not so) safely in the upcoming social deduction game. Check out the quirky video above.

set in an luxury cruise-liner in an alternative, space-faring 1950s, First Class Trouble tasks six players with working together to shut down C.A.I.N., a rogue artificial intelligence. The twist? Two of those players are secretly on the side of C.A.I.N.. They'll work covertly to thwart the other four players' plans without being detected. It's a perfect storm of cooperation, deception and stylish 1950s charm. There's some First Class Trouble a-brewing, that's for sure.

First Class Trouble launches on Steam Early Access on the 8th April.

Jamie Davies

Jamie Davies

Staff Writer

Raised on a steady diet of violent shooters and sugary cereal. He regrets no part of this

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