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GameGrin's Game of the Year 2023

GameGrin's Game of the Year 2023

Earlier this month our GrinCast podcasters discussed and decided upon the most best games of 2023! First, they covered Most Anticipated, Worst Game of the Year, Best New Character, Best Visuals, Best Soundtrack, Best Story, Best Debut Game, Old Game of The Year, and Best Indie. Next, they covered Biggest Disappointment, Best Studio, Best Sequel, Best Multiplayer, Best Accessibility, Biggest Surprise, GameGrin Game of the Year. So if you'd like to hear why they chose which titles they did, go and listen to the podcasts! If you'd rather just find out who won what, read on.

The prizes are, from left to right, Gold, Silver and Bronze. You can also click on each award to find out more about each title!

Most Anticipated

231 Anticipated2232 Anticipated2233 Anticipated2

Worst Game of the Year

231 Worst232 Worst233 Worst

Best New Character

231 Best New Character232 Best New Character233 Best New Character

Best Visuals

231 Best Visuals232 Best Visuals233 Best Visuals

Best Soundtrack

231 Best Soundtrack232 Best Soundtrack233 Best Soundtrack

Best Story

231 Best Story232 Best Story233 Best Story

Best Debut

231 Best Debut Game232 Best Debut Game233 Best Debut Game

Old Game of The Year

231 Old GOTY232 Old GOTY233 Old GOTY

Biggest Disappointment

231 Disappointment232 Disappointment233 Disappointment

Best Studio

231 Studio232 Studio233 Studio

Best Sequel

231 Sequel232 Sequel233 Sequel

Best Multiplayer

231 Best Multiplayer2232 Best Multiplayer2233 Best Multiplayer2

Best Accessibility

231 Accessibility232 Accessibility233 Accessibility

Biggest Surprise

231 Biggest Surprise232 Biggest Surprise233 Biggest Surprise

Best Indie

231 Best Indie232 Best Indie233 Best Indie

And now what you've all been waiting for:

GameGrin Game of the Year

231 GOTY232 GOTY233 GOTY

4. Immortals of Aveum
5. Street Fighter 6
6. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
7. Remnant II
8. Lil Gator Game
9. The Bookwalker: Thief of Tales
10. CONVERGENCE: A League of Legends Story

Congratulations to all of the winners!

Game of the Year
Andrew Duncan

Andrew Duncan


Guaranteed to know more about Transformers and Deadpool than any other staff member.

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