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Microsoft Claim More Xbox One Games Will Reach 1080p

Microsoft Claim More Xbox One Games Will Reach 1080p

Microsoft Xbox director of development Body Multerer has said in an interview with TotalXbox that he has no doubt that more developers will be able to reach a 1080p resolution for their games on Xbox One.

Regarding Xbox One games reaching 1080p Multerer stated that:

I fully expect that to happen. The [graphics processing units] are really complicated beasts this time around. The hardware is basically baked, and what comes next is people discovering better software techniques to take advantage of it, especially in the ordering of the data so it flows through all the caches correctly, and I think there's a lot of opportunity there.

Multerer also claimed that developers for Xbox One hadn't had an opportunity to focus on boosting performance visually yet. 

The Xbox One has come under fire somewhat for its seeming lack of ability to run games in full high definition, with many titles having their PlayStation 4 versions in 1080p and their Xbox One versions running in 720p.

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