Mirror's Edge Catalyst Delayed
This one cuts real deep. Sara Jansson, senior producer of Mirror's Edge Catalyst, has announced that Faith's next adventure is being delayed.
"Years ago, we set out an ambitious vision for Mirror’s Edge Catalyst. Achieving that vision and delivering the best possible experience is equally inspiring and challenging. And it takes time..." Jansson says on the Mirror's Edge website.
"We’re building the most immersive action-adventure game with fluid movement and combat in first person. Mirror’s Edge Catalyst will be an all-new playground with a deeper and more engaging story - and we want to accomplish all these goals to the highest quality possible."
There you have it, you won't be playing until at least the 24th of May. That's three long, painful months after the original release date of the 23rd of February. When you look at other games releasing at that time though, the delay starts to make more sense.
Far Cry Primal, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, Tom Clancy's The Division, Hitman and Uncharted 4: A Thief's End all release within a month, and Mirror's Edge Catalyst would have fallen right in the middle of that. The delay means the game will be more polished, and won't get lost in the tidal wave of awesome releases. So try to be patient, as hard as it may be.
Mirror's Edge Catalyst is set to launch for the PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on the new release date of the 24th of May.