More Updates Detailed for Squad in Latest Developer Update
Offworld Industries gave more details on updated content coming to their tactical shooter, Squad in their latest update on the development of the game. The new content incoming includes new maps, new animations and some UI improvements.
One of the big improvements cited is the new animation system. The development team are in the process or rejigging almost every animation in the game. With many being replaced altogether and most of the other being rebuilt, there’s a lot of work ahead for the team, and they’ve drafted in another alumni of the Project Reality mod team to help realise their ambition. Released today are reload animations for man of the guns, including the AK family, pistol, RPG, M4 family, and M249. Among the changes are such new details as properly pulling and returning magazines from ammo vests and realistic combat reload motions to chamber the first round.
There have been a lot of changes in regards to the maps of the game as well. A new map called Yehorivka is being created. With a size of eight square kilometres, this is the largest maps to be created for the game so far. More work has been done on Gordok and Operation First Light is almost complete now. Sumari Bala continues to grow in size with numerous crops fields being added at the city edges.
Lastly a slew of UI and Quality of Life improvements have been integrated. New UI elements include a revamp for the map to make it easier to read and more informative as well as a move to being coded in C++ to enhance stability. The Kit selection has been overhauled to make it cleaner and the mouse wheel and button zoom now function much better than in earlier iterations. Checkout the game’s official website for full details.