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NetEase Games Unveils Latest Marvel Rivals Hero — Moon Knight — in Character Reveal Trailer

NetEase Games' Marvel Rivals is quickly closing in on its release. Eyeing a 6th of December date for full launch, it's not long before players will be able to enjoy the Overwatch-like shooter as they fight through the multiverse.

Of course, now is no time to slack or slow down, and the team knows that, unveiling the latest character who will be joining the roster of heroes: Moon Knight! The duelist fist of Khonshu has a new look that perfectly fits the aesthetic of the game, and will be part of the entire roster upon release!

For those unaware, every character in Marvel Rivals will be available free-to-play from the beginning and beyond. Currently, Moon Knight takes the 27th hero to join the ranks, and he comes with his very own character reveal trailer, showing off his kit of items.

NetEase Games took a different approach to Mr. Knight, giving him "technological components and rugged armor motifs" to make him fit better into the aesthetic and — perhaps most importantly — the gameplay elements. Mixing a bit of cosmic energy from Khonshu's power and high-tech weaponry (kind of like a melee and moon-themed Iron Man), Moon Knight will be a force to be reckoned with as the full release arrives on the 6th of December.

Alongside Moon Knight's reveal, however, we also got some official announcements. The music producer and composers have been announced, with Shota Nakama and Masahiro Aoki working oin this, the former, who you may know from his previous work on Final Fantasy XV and Made in Abyss and the latter, who has previously worked on Street Fighter Vand Bayonetta 3.

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Staff Writer

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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