Star Wars: The Old Republic gets long awaited patch 7.1 update — Patch Notes
Game Update 7.0.2
- Weapons in Outfitter - The new customization functionality is now live! You can now have one weapon (or weapons for dual-wielding combat styles) equipped which will determine the stats applied to your character, and stamp the appearance of another weapon of the same type via Outfitter. More information here.
- Double XP Event - Starting May 3rd (12:00 UTC) and lasting until May 10th (12:00 UTC) there will be a week-long Double XP Event! Enjoy a full week of Double XP and Valor.
- The following currencies have been renamed to clarify what content the currencies are related to:
- Medal of Commendation is now Conquest Commendation
- Aquatic Resource Matrix is now Daily Resource Matrix
- Hazardous Matter Catalyst is now OP-1 Catalyst
- Thyrsian Production Accelerant is now WZ-1 Accelerant
- Decurion Isotope Stabilizer is now FP-1 Stabilizer
- Currency is no longer lost when opening a currency lockbox while the player is at the Weekly cap.
- There is now a message “You have exceeded the < currency limit > weekly limit!” informing that the currency limit has been reached and the lockbox returns in the inventory.
- Currency icons no longer appear dimmed when the Inventory window is reopened while the Materials window is active.
- Fixed an issue where companions were missing attacks, taunts and heals, as well as some of their stats.
- It is no longer possible to claim Guest Companions’ gear once they become unavailable.
- Updated the Companion icons in the Legacy “Global Unlocks” to match the other icons size.
- Updated the description of the following Companion’s effects to remove the Strength, Aim, Willpower, and Cunning mentions as those no longer exist:
- Mark of Power
- Force Valor
- The compact option in the inventory window is now correctly working.
- The comparison pop-up is now correctly displayed when hovering on gear from the inventory.
- There is now a clear distinction between locked and unlocked Utilities in the Character Sheet window.
- Fixed a few typos across the game.
- Fixed sound effect issues on several buttons across the game.
- The zoom in/out and rotation buttons no longer appear on the “Origin” screen as this option is not available on this screen.
- Slugfall Cantina on Mek’Sha is now a rest area.
- Fixed an issue that was preventing Manaan from appearing in the ship arrival scene for the Invasion Zone destination.
- The Ability icons in the Loadout tab no longer light up when selected, as intended.
- Discipline names no longer overlap with the item ratings.
- Improved the readability of the Item Recovery number from the Inventory window of the Character Sheet.
- Added the “details” button to the Companion tab in the Character Sheet window.
- Emotes window now correctly displays a list of locked and unlocked emotes when redeeming an emote from the Inventory window while the Emotes window is opened.
- Healing Ability tooltips are now correctly updated based on the level scaling.
- Dragging an unbound weapon into an occupied off-hand slot no longer automatically equips the weapon to the main-hand.
- Fixed the issue where the armor values were sometimes incorrect when shifting the level of a player. This occurred if the player was being shifted to an item rating that did not exist for the quality of the item they were wearing.
- The Damage value shown in the character sheet is no longer displaying higher than intended. Players will notice the value has been reduced by roughly half, this is only a display change and has no impact on the damage they deal.
Cartel Market
- Claiming Darth Vindican’s Lightsaber from Collections or purchasing it from the Cartel Market now correctly gives the Lightsaber instead of the Dualsaber.
- Fixed the names of the following Advanced Mystic Hazel Color Crystals on the Cartel Market to match the item names:
- Advanced Mystic Hazel Eviscerating Crystal
- Advanced Mystic Hazel Indestructible Crystal
- Advanced Mystic Hazel War Hero's Crystal
- Advanced Mystic Hazel Hawkeye Crystal
Items + Economy
- Fixed texture issues on the following weapons:
- Raider’s Cove Med-Tech’s Blasters
- Blastech T-189 Rifle
- Blastech T-189S Sniper Rifle
- Spoils of War set bonuses now correctly state that they do not apply above level 75.
- Fixed an issue on several Pummeler’s Lightsaber items which incorrectly had Alacrity instead of Critical Rating.
- Premium Gear Containers from Onslaught Missions are now correctly rewarding gear.
- Kai Zykken’s Unidentified Set Bonus boxes now correctly grant items.
- Fallen Master Ranos Customizations 1 and 2 can now be unlocked in Collections, as intended.
- Artifact Lockboxes from Ossus can now be opened.
- It is now possible to change the default position of the “Seeker Probes” decoration.
- Gear icons of Galactic Season 2 weapons are now correctly updated when a mod is added.
- Locked Supply Crates are no longer destroyed if the Alliance Specialist conversation to unlock those is canceled and the player’s inventory is full.
Combat Styles
- The Ability window is no longer overlapping with the Ability Tree after opening the Combat Style window and alternating between the Abilities tab and Ability Tree tab.
Combat Styles Changes
- Updated the tooltip of Hord’s Makashi Strike Tactical to mention the “Riposte Form” buff.
- Fixed an issue with the Blade of the Elements Tactical where the critical hit chance bonus wasn't correctly being applied when building Clairvoyance with Whirling Blow.
- Keeper of Peace now correctly consumes Conveyance.
- Keeper of Peace now heals the lowest health target within its AoE range.
- Center Point - When the AoE damage is triggered it no longer hits the primary target twice.
- Returning Light - Sever Force triggers Returning Light when it ticks. Rate limit reduced to 3 seconds (from 5 seconds).
- Eternal Torment - When the AoE damage is triggered it no longer hits the primary target twice.
- Creeping End - Creeping Terror triggers Creeping End when it ticks. Rate limit reduced to 3 seconds (from 5 seconds).
- Rally now correctly consumes Force Bending.
- Rally now heals the lowest health target within its AoE range.
- Fixed a discrepancy between Marauder and Sentinel Ability Tree with a mod related to Rebuke / Cloak of Pain.
- Fixed the issue where Immortal Juggernaut did not receive damage reduction after activating Retaliation.
- Tactical Armor and Infused Kolto Packs stacks can no longer be clicked off.
Shield Specialist
- Pulse Cannon now does all ticks of damage.
- Kill Zone - When dealing AoE damage the primary target no longer gets hit twice.
- Ricochet Rounds - When dealing AoE damage the primary target no longer gets hit twice.
- Tactical Strike - When dealing AoE damage the primary target no longer gets hit twice.
- Energy Yield and Energy Heal stacks can no longer be clicked off.
- Open Flame - When dealing AoE damage the primary target no longer gets hit twice.
Advanced Prototype
- Heat Zone - When dealing AoE damage the primary target no longer gets hit twice.
- Retracted Refresh - When dealing AoE damage the primary target no longer gets hit twice.
- Pugnacity now correctly applies a +20% crit damage buff.
- Fixed an issue where certain Sharpshooter passive mods were activated by offhand weapon damage.
- Fixed an issue with the “Aim Assist” Ability mod so it properly gives the correct critical hit chance bonus.
- Stim Boost now correctly applies a +20% crit damage buff.
- It is no longer possible to craft Nightmare Fury Crystal.
- Corrected an issue preventing the creation of GSI Triangulation Enhancer Mark II.
- Reduced the health and damage for all enemies of the following Flashpoints:
- A Traitor Among the Chiss (Veteran and Master Mode)
- Crisis on Umbara (Veteran and Master Mode)
- Lost Island (Veteran and Master Mode)
- The Nathema Conspiracy (Veteran and Master Mode)
- Reduced the health of all enemies in Spirit of Vengeance (Solo Mode)
- Completing any Activity Finder Flashpoint now correctly grants 2 points towards “Technological Advancements” Mission.
- The German description of the Ranked Arenas in the Activity Finder is now correctly displayed.
Directive 7
- Fixed the visual effect during the clone fight in Directive 7 Flashpoint.
The Esseles
- Completing the Esseles Flashpoint is now correctly granting credit for “Technological Advancements” Mission - Story and Veteran Mode.
Ruins of Nul
- Sa’har’s collar is no longer clipping through the neck during the cinematics of Ruins of Nul Flashpoint.
- Fixed the visual issue on Apex Ranphyx’s teeth and horns during the Ruins of Nul Flashpoint.
- The description of the [WEEKLY] The Nature of Progress (Story and Veteran Mode) now correctly shows the complete list of required bosses to complete the Mission.
- OEM-37 has been removed from Operations drops and Missions.
- Rewards have been adjusted throughout Operations to be more balanced. The new Tech Fragments values per boss are listed below. More information in this forum post.
- Story Mode Operations
- Boss 1: 150 Tech Fragments
- Boss 2: 300 Tech Fragments
- Boss 3: 500 Tech Fragments
- Boss 4: 500 Tech Fragments
- Boss 5: 550 Tech Fragments
- Total: 2000 Tech Fragments
- Veteran Mode Operations
- Boss 1: 200 Tech Fragments
- Boss 2: 450 Tech Fragments
- Boss 3: 600 Tech Fragments
- Boss 4: 600 Tech Fragments
- Boss 5: 650 Tech Fragments
- Total: 2500 Tech Fragments
- Master Mode Operations
- Boss 1: 225 Tech Fragments
- Boss 2: 450 Tech Fragments
- Boss 3: 750 Tech Fragments
- Boss 4: 750 Tech Fragments
- Boss 5: 825 Tech Fragments
- Total: 3000 Tech Fragments
Scum and Villainy
- It is no longer possible to avoid the effects of the Sandstorm during the Dash’roode encounter in the Scum and Villainy Operation.
Missions + NPCs
- Changes to rewards for PvP, GSF, and Operations have been made. More information in this forum post.
- Tech Fragments rewarded from individual Daily Area and Heroic Missions increased to 30 (up from 10)
- Tech Fragments rewarded from the Personal Conquest goal increased to 500 (up from 250)
- Players will be able to exchange extra Conquest Commendations directly for Tech Fragments at the Spoils of War vendor at a rate of 50 Conquest Commendations for 50 Tech Fragments.
- Broonmark is no longer hostile to Republic players during the Alliance Alert “The Last of His Kind”.
- Elite Droid enemies are no longer spawning during the Regnant encounter in the Ruins of Nul Flashpoint - Solo and Story Mode.
- Rebalanced the Purifier Droids encounter in Chapter IV: Where Dreams Die - Knights of the Eternal Throne.
- Players are now teleported to the Odessen’s Alliance Camp Headquarters after defeating Aries in Chapter V: Ascension - Knights of the Eternal Throne.
- The dialogue line in the cinematic for converting Tech Fragments now mentions the correct amount of Tech Fragments required.
- Player characters with Scoundrel or Powertech as the active combat style no longer draw an invisible weapon in the cinematics of “Eve of Destruction” Mission.
- Player characters with Assassin as the active combat style now correctly use a dualsaber during the following cinematics:
- Mashallon encounter in “To Kill a Legend” Mission.
- Overseer Tremer encounter in “A New Master” Mission.
- Mission Rewards in the Activity Finder window no longer overlap each other when there are Provided rewards and Selected rewards.
- Fixed Colonel Gallo’s position during the “Rig the First Emplacement” step of “Dead in the Water” Mission - Republic side.
- An invisible Ephemeris has been removed from the Ephemeris encounter in the Star Fortress - Story Mode.
- The camera shake no longer persists during the final cinematic of Echoes of Oblivion Mission.
- Koth’s Crew is no longer hanging out on the Gravestone before being recruited in Chapter IV: The Gravestone - Knights of the Fallen Empire.
Arenas + Warzones
- /stuck command can now be used in PvP Arenas and Warzones.
- Level Shift is now correctly scaling gear down in PvP matches.
- The following Missions now allow progress on loss (Wins will count 3x):
- [DAILY] March Them Down
- [DAILY] No Quarter
- [DAILY] United We Stand
- [DAILY] Zero Tolerance
- [WEEKLY] Conspicuous Valor
- [WEEKLY] The Spoils of War
- [WEEKLY] The War Front
- RPM-13 has been removed from Group Ranked Daily and Weekly Missions.
- [WEEKLY] A Surprising Offer Missions have been removed from the Fleets.
- Improved Unranked Weekly Mission Rewards for [WEEKLY] Conspicuous Valor and [WEEKLY] The Spoils of War:
- WZ-1 Accelerants are now 110 (up from 55)
- Tech Fragments are now 1500 (up from 450)
- Daily Matrices are now 20 (up from 8)
- Improved Unranked Daily Mission Rewards for [DAILY] March Them Down and [DAILY] No Quarter:
- Tech Fragments are now 150 (up from 75)
- Reduced Ranked Weekly Rewards:
- Tech Fragments from [WEEKLY] Go Berserk! has been reduced to 1750 (down from 2000)
- Changes made to Galactic Starfighter rewards:
- Tech Fragments from [WEEKLY] Galactic Starfighter are now 850 (down from 1000)
- Processed Isotope Stabilizers have been removed as reward and added to Jawa Vendors for exchange
- The cost of OEM-37 and RPM-13 on the Spoils of War vendor has been reduced to 4,000 (down from 10,000).
- The required OEM-37 and RPM-13 to create a CM-1337 has been reduced to 5 OEM-37 and 5 RPM-13 (down from 7 OEM-37 and 14 RPM-13).
- Adjustments made on Conquest Commendations:
- The currency cap of Conquest Commendations has been raised to 2500 (up from 999)
- The weekly cap of Conquest Commendations has been raised to 1500 (up from 999)
- Conquest Commendations can now be exchanged for Tech Fragments at the Spoils of War Vendor.
Galactic Seasons
- Players who didn’t receive the “Sliced Cybernetic Visual Enhancement Implants” prior to 7.0.1 fix can now claim it back from the rewards track.
- The tooltip of the Galactic Season Token from the Galactic Season Login Rewards window now correctly disappears when moving the mouse away.