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Titanfall Beta Hits Some Issues

Titanfall Beta Hits Some Issues

It is one of the hottest titles of the year and the signup count for the Titanfall beta was huge. As the deadline to sign up to the closed beta passed yesterday codes began to be distributed to gamers.

The first issue encountered was a mix up at EA which saw hundreds of PC users being sent Xbox One codes by mistake. This page was set up to direct people through a system which saw them gain correct access several hours later.

Once the correct codes were sent other issues were to face players as many eager testers logged in to find this:

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Microsoft are responsible for the servers but EA have been quick to keep players updated with a thread on their forums and on the games official Twitter page.

Despite these hiccups the whole Titanfall team have been committed to keeping players informed. Several key members of Respawn have tweeted about the server issues alongside the official account. It seems the issue was at Microsoft's end and is currently mostly resolved.

First impressions so far have been very positive for the long awaited first-person shooter which is due for release on 14th March and will be exclusive to Xbox One and PC.

Helen Ashcroft

Helen Ashcroft

News Specialist

Writer of randomness and maker of films Helen AKA Jetgirl lives with her hubby and 3 kids who support her gaming habit.

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