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Update Brings Multiplayer to Watch Dogs 2

Update Brings Multiplayer to Watch Dogs 2

With the recent launch of Watch_Dogs 2, Ubisoft had a few issues. There was the much publicised and now fixed issue with explicit NPCs, but more importantly the much-touted seamless multiplayer experience that was expected to be in the game was not present at launch. Ubisoft have issued a statement explaining where they are at with the features.

With the latest patch changes made to the PS4 version, that now has some of the multiplayer features implemented. At the time of writing, the Xbox One version was expected to go live soon, giving the same features. There's no word on the upcoming PC version at present.

That statement in full:

"The Watch Dogs 2 development team brought the first phase of seamless multiplayer online at 4pm for PlayStation 4 and we anticipate the seamless multiplayer online for Xbox One to be activated overnight.

Players will be able to experience the following multiplayer features via the Multiplayer App on the in-game smartphone:

- Invite friends to co-op or search for new co-op partners
- Hack into a rival hacker's world
- Find targets for Bounty Hunts or trigger a bounty on themselves

The development team will monitor the online stability of the seamless multiplayer features and should everything continue to run smoothly, the additional elements and final phase of seamless multiplayer will be deployed: Nearby bounty targets and Prime_Eight rivals will join the player’s world for them to hunt down and hack without going through the Multiplayer App in the smartphone. Players will also encounter friendly Dedsec hackers who can help them complete different Dedsec events throughout San Francisco.

We will provide periodic updates through this process and we have truly appreciated everyone’s patience and support while we worked to implement the seamless multiplayer feature of the game."


Gary "Dombalurina" Sheppard

Staff Writer

Gary maintains his belief that the Amstrad CPC is the greatest system ever and patiently awaits the sequel to "Rockstar ate my Hamster"

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Acelister - 08:29am, 25th November 2016

Wonder if they'll take it down when the PC version launches... It's a shame, because the bounty hunter stuff looks pretty fun.
