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Far Cry 2 Review

Far Cry 2 is the long awaited sort-of sequel to Far Cry 1. (although there have been extra Far Cry games, None can be called a sequel.) 

Machine Gun Fire

You begin the game in South Africa with a long interactive cut-scene which then quickly turns into an attack on you. You end up with Malaria in the middle of nowhere & you must work your way through missions (which mostly just include killing numerous amount of people, or blowing up certain objects) to find the notorious 'Jackal'. I was very excited about getting my hands on this game from the videos on YouTube but when I actually got it, I was a bit disappointed. Although this game is extraordinary, it has many flaws in it. But first, lets talk about all its good features. Although it is fun to grab the biggest gun I could find & blowing the enemies heads off; I didn't have to do this in Far Cry 2. If you are like me, then you will want to try the more stealth attack, using the sniper rifles & silenced weapons to there fullest creeping around & picking off enemies one by one. One of the best things about this game in my view is the independence it gives the gamer. You choose what you want to do & when, even though sometimes it does force you to do some missions you get to choose when you want to them & how.

The thing that Ubisoft have promoted the most about this game is the fire in it. "Play with the most realistic fire ever seen in a game" - Taken from the back of the case. This statement is very true as in game, I could wipe out complete villages with just a Molotov Cocktail or a Flare gun.

The vehicles in this are extremely fun to drive & very realistic. I did not believe the amounts of times I had to get out of my car/boat & repair the damned thing as they break down so much from gun damage.One very big thing I also liked about this game was the accents. I know this is not part of the game but I know I am not the only person that adores the South African accent!

Machete Forest 

No matter how good this game is, there will always be downsides to nearly every aspect too as no game can be perfect, can it? I complimented the fire in this game greatly, but there is a thing that annoys me a lot too about it, I burnt down a whole forest with a single Molotov Cocktail & then it will suddenly stop burning! I was like "..What?!".

One of my biggest criticisms about the game is the AI, although very well made, the biggest flaw I saw was that for some reason they can see me by one shot I made. If I let off a shot & then moved you would think that they would go to where the shot was but no, They just followed me around till either they or I was dead! Very irritating.

I also have a big 'No No' about the silenced weapons. Silenced weapons are suppose to be silent, not attract attention, it's in the name 'SILENCED'.. So far the only weapon I have found that does this is the Dart Rifle. The SILENCED mp5 & SILENCED pistol attracts attention as if I was using a Light Machine Gun!

Another thing that irritated me about this game was the strong accents that some of the characters have. I couldn't understand a word that they are saying & the subtitles are fairly hard to see (not as bad as Dead Rising but still!). Big down point for the hard of hearing.

The repetitive of the missions gets very annoying. "Kill this man", "Destroy this thing", "Make this man talk then kill him!" over & over & over. Fair enough there may not be a lot I could have done in the way of Missions for South African terrain but hey, I would like to be able to skin a few animals or fetch some water for a simpleton.. Even the mundain tasks are sometimes best!

A big disappointment for me was the multiplayer modes. These are not well made at all, The Map maker function is good yes, but does not make up for how bad the multiplayer is. It is very hard to connect to a good server & then not an enjoyable experience.

I did get confused a lot by this game by when I am just standing in front of a friendly NPC they will just drop dead right there & then. Or I will just hear a truck pull up & the driver already be dead! I was getting increasingly confused when this continuously happened. Another problem with the NPCs was that I could walk through some of the Watch Posts (enemy look out points) & there will be no sight or sound of anybody. I would walk in most of the houses, nothing. Then I would come across a building with 4 enemies crouching down in the corners facing the walls. I walk in & still no response at all. Shoot one, still nothing! Then I would walk outside & there will be one standing there with a shotgun in my face, boom headshot, I die. Some of NPCs are built like tanks, I can shoot them in the leg, chest, arm, wherever & they will not be affected at all! This is suppose to be a realistic game, How can I shoot somebody in the chest or face & they do hardly anything. These NPCs are mutants (NO, PLEASE NO NOT FAR CRY 1!), why do we not have these in our army!

Hang Gliding

Although this review does contain a lot of criticisms of the game, the high points do not dim the game for me at all. It is the funnest game I had played last year! It is a very good game & I would give it:

7/10 for the Single Player Campaign but a

2/10 for Multiplayer. Disappointing. 

7.00/10 7

Far Cry 2 (Reviewed on Xbox 360)

This game is good, with a few negatives.

Far Cry 2 is the long awaited sort-of sequel to Far Cry 1. (although there have been extra Far Cry games, None can be called a sequel.) 

This game was supplied by the publisher or relevant PR company for the purposes of review
Kris 'Kaostic' West

Kris 'Kaostic' West


Zombie slayer, quest completer, mouse clicker and, in his downtime, writer and editor.

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Platinum - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

Personaly woudlnt have given it a 7, found the game very buggy and tbh not much fun at all.

mole - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

Yeap, not read the review yet, but I couldn't be bothered finishing it :( It bored me, and I was waiting ages for it...

icaruschips - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

I hated this game, although I think that's just because I waited so long to play it, and when I finally got my hands on it.... Broken stealth, any vehicle repairable by a spanner/wrench/whatever it is, repetition all over the place.... A massive disappointment. :(

Platinum - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

What system did you run it on Kaostic?, runs like a dog on my ATI 4870 :(, and yea I found the same issues with the enamys, just to hard to kill, and I found the movments to be a bit laggy making it hard to get good shots off :(

Snoozer-1428100715 - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

They built and engine and forgot to build a game.

Kaostic - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

What system did you run it on Kaostic?, runs like a dog on my ATI 4870 :(, and yea I found the same issues with the enamys, just to hard to kill, and I found the movments to be a bit laggy making it hard to get good shots off :(

I use it on xBox 460...?? Yes there were many issues with this game but my god did the good points make up for it! I love the vehicles although it is slightly suspicious that you can fix all problems, bullet wounds etc. with a wrench type thing.. It would cost us a good £500 to repair that sort of damage! At least! Plus their heads are actually made of kevlar! Takes 4 shots to the head to kill them! But the up points are just phenomenal. The Fire is so fun to mess around with, the vehicles are the best I have seen in a FPS so far (except from maybe Battlefield 2) & the amount of independence you get! Woah. Funest gun? Sniper Rifle :u03

Snoozer-1428100715 - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

Must. Resist. Critical. Backlash.

Platinum - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

Must. Resist. Critical. Backlash.

Do it!

MaddAussie-1428100775 - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

oh dear, someone suffers from magpie syndrome 'ohh thats shiny! while picking the one or two shiny bits out of a big steaming turd of game'

POBmaestro-1428097466 - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

I've not actually read your review yet Kaostic (will do soon), but I see all these negative comments about the game and I have to say I am actually really liking it. True I can't play the game for more than an hour at a time due to it getting repetitive, but I've played it consecutively with a smile since Christmas. For starters the graphics engine is superb (for me it runs perfectly on full graphics and looks great on this 2 year old PC, so ATi must be screwing you with their ****e Plat), and it is just generally great fun to play. Yes there are too many enemies about and there is a lot of going backwards and forwards, but I find great fun in cornering enemies with fire, blowing up ammo crates to unleash a chaos frenzy of bullets and making it rain with punctating grenades. I would personally rate it an 8.5. So there, go ahead and slate it with tunnel vision chaps, but you are missing out on some good laughs here.

Angelfromabove - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

Ive not read your review yet, (just about to) But i have to say i like it the game, but im suspecting if i had played th first one it may have been a different story?

Snoozer-1428100715 - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

Do it!

'Going-easy' mode on.

I use it on xBox 460...?? [B]1.[/B]Yes there were many issues with this game but my god did the good points make up for it! [B]2.[/B]I love the vehicles although it is slightly suspicious that you can fix all problems, bullet wounds etc. with a wrench type thing.. It would cost us a good £500 to repair that sort of damage! At least! [B]3.[/B]Plus their heads are actually made of kevlar! Takes 4 shots to the head to kill them! [B]4.[/B]But the up points are just phenomenal. The Fire is so fun to mess around with, the vehicles are the best I have seen in a FPS so far (except from maybe Battlefield 2) & the amount of independence you get! Woah. Funest gun? Sniper Rifle :u03

[U]In reference to your post:[/U] It is Xbox 360. (Yes, I know it is pedantic, but it looks unprofessional otherwise [if it's translating over to your reviews]). 1. Good points should never ‘make-up’ for a game. (Technically, they should be more relevant than the good points.). You are paying money for a game and shouldn’t turn a blind eye to the bad, because it has some nice features. Take LOTR: Conquest for example. It’s pretty bad with repetitive combat, shoddy graphics and a lack of scale. You don’t give it a 9/10 because it allows you to play as Mr. Awesome, Aragon. You give it score for everything, because it’s a complete package. You're not buying a graphics engine or just a game's sound. 2. The vehicles had bad handling and the wrench system was both annoying and unrealistic. (Don’t go down a ‘half-****d’ realism route; at least include a repair mini-game rather than the illusion of realism, i.e. a wrench repairing a car). 3. Far Cry 2 wasn’t marketed as a arcade shooter (the inclusion of Malaria, Vehicle repair, realistic fire, wounds) so shouldn’t play like one. Even if it was, head-shots should always equal death. Otherwise it’s confusing to the player (if I remember correctly Crysis had a similar problem on lower difficulties). 4. The fire was fancy and a nice touch, but realistically just a well coded physics simulation. It doesn’t make the game ‘phenomenal.’ In fact, remove any fire weapons and it’s easy to forget it’s there. There’s no point having independence when there isn’t really anything to do. [U]As per the review:[/U] • Never start a sentence with ‘although.’ [None - none] • It’s known as Far Cry (there is no need for the 1). • [,]Learn to use them otherwise your writing style sounds ‘rantish.’ • & - and. • Repetition – [I]“You choose what you want to do & when, even though sometimes it does force you to do some missions you get to choose when you want to them & how.” [/I] • Ignore the box-blurb. It’s PR waffle meant for those that don’t play games. Make up your own mind about the fire, don’t just agree because Ubisoft says so. • [I]“One very big thing I also liked about this game was the accents. I know this is not part of the game but I know I am not the only person that adores the South African accent!”[/I] - I care because? - The voice acting is realistic, the dialogue represents the culture successfully.[B] Remember, a review isn’t a story. Try and work your opinions to be relevant for others. [/B] • Try not to contradict yourself (when talking about the accents). • Your negatives outweigh the positives. Simple mathematics states that 5/10 is a middle score. If you’re putting a score to a game, it should mean there are equal good points to bad points. [SIZE="1"]Remember, this is meant as help. Don’t take the pointers personally, but use them to your advantage. Your points are subjective after all, which is why I’ve stayed away from criticising your actual review as we all have our own opinion (even if it’s wrong ;) sometimes). I'm not being pretentious and am nowhere near the best writer out there, but the time I've been playing games (and now writing about them) gives me the right to offer some input.[/SIZE]

Platinum - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

I've not actually read your review yet Kaostic (will do soon), but I see all these negative comments about the game and I have to say I am actually really liking it. True I can't play the game for more than an hour at a time due to it getting repetitive, but I've played it consecutively with a smile since Christmas. For starters the graphics engine is superb (for me it runs perfectly on full graphics and looks great on this 2 year old PC, so ATi must be screwing you with their ****e Plat), and it is just generally great fun to play. Yes there are too many enemies about and there is a lot of going backwards and forwards, but I find great fun in cornering enemies with fire, blowing up ammo crates to unleash a chaos frenzy of bullets and making it rain with punctating grenades. I would personally rate it an 8.5. So there, go ahead and slate it with tunnel vision chaps, but you are missing out on some good laughs here.

Personaly I would give it a 5 or a 6, 5 for me is average, I see a lot of sites giving games they view as average 7's, how does that work, but no way a 8.5, 8.5 scores should be reserved for truly great games such as the Half life series, L4D, COD 4 Ect, IMO that is. You running a Nvidia card?, from what I have read ATI cards just fail at Far Cry 2 with the details up :( If you like it then thats great :), Everyone has there own views, you cant please everyone.

POBmaestro-1428097466 - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

Very constructive feedback Snoozer, a shining example of how it should be done :) This is a little off-topic but I don't really care. If I can counter some of your points as an amatuer reviewer and a keen reader of reviews, plus I'm in the mood for a good debate. This is all light hearted and pretty pointless really, but I have a new dance CD and I need to do something while listening to it. To your point above point 1 about what platform: It is clearly stated at the top the review? To your point 1 and your last point about wieghing up negatives and positives: I totally disagree it should be about wieghing up good points with bad. Playing a game and then summing it up isn't about ******* mathmatics. I believe it should about the actual experience and the fun/memories it provides. If I have one good point in that it is superb fun, but 10 other bad points like "the deer testicals look unrealistic", that doesn't mean the game should get 1/10. Hell if it felt like fun and provided a bag of laughs I would be leaning towards the other end of the scale. I believe point 2 is a matter of personal opinion and should only be disbuted in such a manner. I like the car handling and wrench system - its just simple and to the point. **** you want a repair mini game in the middle of a firefight? Yes the game mixes realism and arcade, but I feel it gets a pretty balanced mix. I totally agree with your 3rd point for the reasons you stated. I can't agree with your 4th point - I think the fire is unique and a nice touch. Sure it isn't groundbreaking, but it provides a new dimension when approaching a fight. Other than that I agree with your grammer points - some useful tips I can learn from too. @Plat: Yeah agree its all personal preference. I have to admit I didn't like it at first and still get annoyed by many aspects, but I keep coming back for more for a reason. PC Gamer incidently rated the game 94%, which is actually what persuaded me to get it. And yes my card is a Nvidia 8800GTX - so two years old but still powerful. I was completely suprised it ran fine tbh, was expecting to run it at medium since my PC can't run Crysis half as good looking.

Platinum - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

Yea the Nvidia cards play it a lot better. Can I just say though that Snoozer ran a highly sucsessful Games review site that was up there with the best so does know what hes on about. And 94% from PC Gamer, wonder how much they were paid for that review?

POBmaestro-1428097466 - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

And 94% from PC Gamer, wonder how much they were paid for that review?

lolz. Ironically in an issue or two later, they had a letter asking if they get paid by the publisher to write good reviews. They denied everthing of course ;)

Can I just say though that Snoozer ran a highly sucsessful Games review site that was up there with the best so does know what hes on about.

+1. I would happily pay thousands of coppers (the currency of Trackmania) to have some tips on how to write a 1500 word essay on something to do with ‘Tradition and the Individual Talent,’ :p

Snoozer-1428100715 - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

Hehe, feel free POB, after all this is what it's all about (or so I'm being taught in English). [LIST] [*]My 1-4 were just personal opinions to his post (as I stated), not really at the reviewing process or his review. [*]Point 1 was in reference to his post, not the review. Laziness in proof reading (in posting) can easily find its way into the formal writing (i.e. his review), so it was just a friendly bit of advice. [*]Hehe, I wasn't suggesting a mathematical (or not intending to) process. I was just saying that usually more '+ vs -' should equal a better score. [*]His review had more - vs + so therefore should really warrant a lower score. [*]I personally don't score games any more as it's pointless and I'd rather people read the review than just the score. I read his review, his experience, and his opinions (the purpose of a review) only to find there to be inconsistencies in his final conclusion (the score) to what he's just written. [*]As per the wrench / mini-game. I was trying making the point that they should just have removed it as it's just hinders the enjoyment (as shown by you suggesting repairing in a firelight). Either do it VERY well or not at all, (whether it be in the form they provided or I suggested). [*]The fire comment was more a criticism of the use of 'phenomenal.' (It follows my argument that the term 'legend' is used too much). His review showed that there were good points and bad points to the fire, counteracting the idea that it's phenomenal. [/LIST] @Plat. Cheers, I tend to let my professionalism and writing speak for itself. Thanks for the kind words though. @PC Gamer. Their advertising comes from Ubisoft. They rely on it. Direct-game marketing is a worrying feature of the industry. Usually the sales department and editorial are kept separate, but they often get pressure from the publishers. I've had it and I wasn't even earning from my site... It could just be a case of getting caught up in the moment. I've done it -looks at GTAIV Review :u07-. Nowadays I've ridden myself of the hype machine and always review a week after playing. I also tend to avoid reviews before I play it myself. EDIT: @Pob - "+1. I would happily pay thousands of coppers (the currency of Trackmania) to have some tips on how to write a 1500 word essay on something to do with ‘Tradition and the Individual Talent,’ " Cheers :)

Si^ - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

Well Snoozer and plat after reading your problems with the game i have a soultion for you. We have always said that the reviews are the inviduals opinions of the game not a team working on the review. Some people will say that other games are good where as other people may say they are ****. Case and point right here. Instead of posting loads and loads of stuff on the forums about it why not do your own review of the game which we can then use on the review website. As for my views i did like far cry 2 just came as a very busy point in the games calender i have yet to get seriously into it but when i do i will give me view opinion into a review format.

Snoozer-1428100715 - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

Instead of posting loads and loads of stuff on the forums about it why not do your own review of the game which we can then use on the review website.

I'd rather not considering the paid backlog I have to clear :u17. I'll refrain from attempting to help next time. This is why I rarely post concerning GameOn's writings.

Platinum - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

I have done the review thing for many years and thats behind me now, was going to do some for GO but things went tits up so thats the end of that for me, If posting constructive critasism here and offering my knoladge is just gonna get people having a go then ill stop. I was just trying to give my advice in order to help GO's reviews become a professional level which will get many more people to the site and ultimatly to the lans.

Si^ - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

Well i was just seeing things from my point of view and if you cant take Criticism i wont bother in future

Platinum - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

I can take critasism, and it seems in this case the reviewer can as well, there just seems to be others that cant? im just trying to help out here as I have prior experience, if it seems im being a **** then thats not the case, its hard to guage how someone is trying to put something across when its just text on a internet forum.

Snoozer-1428100715 - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

Well i was just seeing things from my point of view and if you cant take Criticism i wont bother in future

I take criticism fine. In fact, I welcome it. You state - "Instead of posting loads and loads of stuff on the forums about it why not do your own review of the game which we can then use on the review website." What's the difference between both. I gave a watered down review as well as some pointers to improve his writing style. I see no "not taking criticism" or points where I even approached 'too far.'

Si^ - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

How about comments like "must, resist , cristism" or "Easy mode on" doesnt that sounds a bit ott to you? The difference between having three posts of comments and a review is quiet simple really is shows that us the forums and the website have different reviews and as a company that does reviews show difference sides to the story now just having random posts about it all. Plus your argument is the presented in a way so everyone can see it and argue your facts and ideas on the game.

Snoozer-1428100715 - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

How about comments like "must, resist , cristism" or "Easy mode on" doesnt that sounds a bit ott to you? The difference between having three posts of comments and a review is quiet simple really is shows that us the forums and the website have different reviews and as a company that does reviews show difference sides to the story now just having random posts about it all. Plus your argument is the presented in a way so everyone can see it and argue your facts and ideas on the game.

It's his first review, so I'm giving him time to improve. It doesn't sound over the top to me. If you want this to be professionally accepted, then get used to criticism. It's part of any walk of life, especially textual employment. I said I "must resist," because of this exact reason. I offer [B]constructive [/B]criticism and suddenly I'm out to get everyone. I can stick my 'English Literature' hat on and really go to town if you want, but as I said, I'm giving him and GameOn time to continually improve.

POBmaestro-1428097466 - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

I see where Si is coming from here. Here are my thoughts, purely as an opinionated chap. Posts like "Must. Resist. Critical. Backlash." and then "Do it!" just make you seem like complete c0cks to me, as you are being plain arrogant and not at all helpful, which seriously pisses me off. But then [B]your posts after that offer constructive criticism in a very helpful way[/B], which I really like to see. I do not speak for the GameOn writing staff here, but I don't see the writing aspect of the company as "professional" par se, for one key reason: we're all doing it as a hobby. Hell I'm good working with chemicals not a pen, meaning my only knowledge of the English language is from my GCSE days. Until we employ full time chaps who have been through Uni doing English Lit, that situation is unlikely to change. For now you have to rely on the [I]content[/I] of the writing being useful, which I think we are generally pretty good at. Being forced to learn the bells and whistles of the English language would really destroy the point of why we write. Its for this reason that I get angry when us (the writers) get put down for not writing up to the perfect standards. So I ask that you don't stop helping us, without that we cannot improve. But please, avoid "snobbish" throw-away comments. Does that sound reasonable? If not please enlighten me :) To end on a brighter note! I re-read the PC Gamer review of Far Cry and oh my conkers I see how they've been paid off. Now I've actually played the game I can see how they blatently lie about a lot, like how the game is so addictive and that the combat is incredibily brilliant. I can honestly say that I can no longer find any of their reviews useful anymore...

Platinum - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

My "Do it" post could have been rephrased, it did sound pretty childish I admit, And I didnt realise the reviews were there as a hobby I was under the impression GO was doing it as a pro thing to get more people in, If its a hobby that changes everything :)

icaruschips - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

Plat, if it makes you feel any better, you can pick apart my reviews. I don't mind in the slightest, just tell me at least one way to improve and it's golden. :p

Snoozer-1428100715 - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

Posts like "Must. Resist. Critical. Backlash." and then "Do it!" just make you seem like complete c0cks to me, as you are being plain arrogant and not at all helpful, which seriously pisses me off. But then [B]your posts after that offer constructive criticism in a very helpful way[/B], which I really like to see.

You're all missing the point. I don't fret when my lecturers write: "Extremely hard to follow. What is the argument here? Too much of this - most of it in fact - is garbled, confused, and confusing. You make a number of wild or inaccurate or unsupported claims." (In all due respect, thanks to hindsight, Mark Frost was correct). What gives him the right to say that? Well, experience. He was also (in my first year) honest and arrogant enough to proclaim a theory I had was "bull****" in front of the seminar group. Instead of taking it personally or looking too much into it, I laughed, listened, and worked on getting better. If you don't like how I phrase something, just ignore it. You need to stop getting pissed off about trivial matters. Without a kick up the **** from several journalists I'd still be writing like this - [url]http://www.avidgamer.co.uk/index.php/PC-Reviews/Review-Medal-of-Honor-Airborne.html[/url] (One of my first reviews). I'm still writing as a hobby. Thanks to practice and feedback, it's at a better standard. That argument is void in my personal opinion. As per the standards, it's purely because it's easier to read when it's well written. Sometimes a sarky comment or two gets you thinking. I'll still give my feedback, because I have the freedom to do so. @PC Gamer: It's one of those situations that we'll never know the full story (like the GameSpot incident).

POBmaestro-1428097466 - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

My "Do it" post could have been rephrased, it did sound pretty childish I admit, And I didnt realise the reviews were there as a hobby I was under the impression GO was doing it as a pro thing to get more people in, If its a hobby that changes everything :)

Respect to ya for realising that. Just remember I do not speak for everyone when I say its only a hobby. For me and certainly a few others its only a hobby (since we have other career ambitions anyway), but I cannot vouch for everyone or even Rashers plans, as I simply don't know for sure and don't want to cause even more controversy ;) @Snoozer: I do value your opinions, but it seems like trying to convince a Man Utd supporter to support Man City and vice versa (thats a crap analagee I know). We could go back and forth stating our own opinions and points like a game of tennis forever, but let's not as there are better things to do like play Trackmania, or Far Cry 2 to keep on-topic :)

Snoozer-1428100715 - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

@Snoozer: I do value your opinions, but it seems like trying to convince a Man Utd supporter to support Man City and vice versa (thats a crap analagee I know). We could go back and forth stating our own opinions and points like a game of tennis forever, but let's not as there are better things to do like play Trackmania, or Far Cry 2 to keep on-topic :)

Fair do's. I just enjoy a good debate.

Platinum - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

A mass debate? [size=1]What someone had to say it? /Gets coat....[/size]

Kaostic - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

Got to have a good mass debate every now & then..

Kaostic - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

I'm glad I didn't read half of this back then, I think I'd have left thinking you all ******* petty *******s. Now I know you all are ******* petty *******s, but you know I love you so... ;)

icaruschips - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

I use it on xBox 460...??

This game featured no tits. The drugs and guns simply weren't enough.

Kaostic - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

This game featured no tits. The drugs and guns simply weren't enough.

You'll be pleased with the new one then.

Platinum - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

I'm glad I didn't read half of this back then, I think I'd have left thinking you all ******* petty *******s. Now I know you all are ******* petty *******s, but you know I love you so... ;)

<3 You know me to well :p

Kaostic - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015 Author

Just had a good chuckle looking back through this. It was about time for the yearly necro. Bunch of cunts.

steve.arnold.33 - 11:39pm, 3rd April 2015

Bunch of cunts.

Review of the game was bollocks, but otherwise, spot on :D
