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How My Boyfriend Ruined My Family

How My Boyfriend Ruined My Family

On my annual launch of The Sims 3, the same routine applies each time: create family, motherlode, motherlode, make out, try for baby. From this, you can obviously tell that the…

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An MMO Tale - Part 2

An MMO Tale - Part 2

If you read my previous blog, you’ll have read about my failed adventures in Azeroth, and what my new MMO-goal was: The Old Republic. It looked to offer me everything I wanted…

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Top Games I Want On The Wii U

Top Games I Want On The Wii U

If you’ve been keeping a keen eye on the internet recently, you’ll no doubt be aware that Nintendo’s latest console, the Wii U, is an interesting piece of kit. Combining…

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Hitman: Absolution VS Dishonored

Hitman: Absolution VS Dishonored

Back in October 2012, I reviewed Dishonored and gave it an almost perfect score of 9.5/10, praising the title for its hauntingly beautiful setting, great main plot and a sense of…

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The Steam Box

The Steam Box

The Steam Box has been a heavily rumoured concept since March 2012 after a misconception of a demo-model to demonstrate Steam's Big Picture service which allows gamers to connect…

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An MMO Tale

An MMO Tale

Let me share with you a short story: back when I was about 20 years old or so, a friend I used to see frequently played many a game with me. The old Jedi Knight games, Alien Vs…

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