Apothecary's 10 Hours of Mass Effect: Andromeda
Just… I… How? How in all that is holy have Bioware managed to screw up on this scale? Everywhere I looked throughout my ten hours, animations that were just wacky or flat out broken. Poor lines that would be better suited for my toddler years rather than a full priced bloody game.
When you play a game that is due for release in less than a week, well by this point the game would have been out for a few days already, you expect something polished. No, not with Mass Effect: Andromeda. Glitchy messes of animations littered the entire experience and shitty lines slowly became more and more grating over time. For instance, one that has become extremely popular over the internet, “My face is tired.”
I mean…
Was there no quality control at the studios? Did they put no effort into ensuring that everything was of the best quality it could be? To me, it feels like this was a placeholder line an intern would put in.
More awaited me however, I found that characters would say things that really didn’t suit the situation. For instance one lass on the space station, whilst talking about one of her dead friends, she proceeds to make a rather terrible pun. Not sure about any of you, but I don’t know a single person that would make a joke about their recently deceased and possibly murdered friend.
The multiplayer was just as bad, with most of the players having forgotten about the key and important meta of the previous games and their multiplayer. Certain techniques and metas, the most important one being that you NEVER run after an extraction zone at the start of the round and rather, you kite them away from the extraction zone so it doesn’t get overwhelmed whilst you are attempting to leave.
One thing I have noticed that few other articles have covered however, is the lack of “Push to Talk”’s functionality. If you try and select that option on the PC? Well, you end up constantly broadcasting your voice to your entire team.
To be honest, I think that the story of Mass Effect: Andromeda is based on coincidence way too much. I would explain further, but I really don’t wish to spoil some major plot points of the story and some of it’s key aspects. I must say that your stars line up one too many times, explanation seems to be skipped over in favour of progression.
Overall? I suggest that no one purchases Mass Effect: Andromeda, at least at fall price. Of course, the ugly DLC Monster has yet to rear it’s ugly head.
Hamiltonious - 01:54pm, 24th April 2017
The game isn't half as bad as it is made out to be. If it were released under any other name than Mass Effect it would probably be a mild success. It has some decent (at times good) writing and pacing and the combat is much better than ME3. Still, the new aliens are pretty darn underwhelming.
pucechan - 01:58pm, 24th April 2017
Pretty much this! Mechanically it's better than prior entries, the combat flow is definitely more engaging. The writing has some dubious moments but on the whole is fine.
It definitely has issues but it's not a terrible game by any stretch. In fact, I rather like it! ;)
Concerned - 04:43pm, 20th March 2018
On point. This game was a massive dissapointment. Disregard the botter comments. This game was a meme the moment it was 'released'