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Five Best Amour Aesthetic Mods for Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Five Best Amour Aesthetic Mods for Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Dragon Age: The Veilguard has a plethora of armours to unlock, buy, or find. The issue is, they’re bright. Like… really, really bright. Bright in the way that burns my retinas. Now, this is obviously a personal opinion, as many people adore the colour palette happening through every faction. If that’s you? Great!

But, if you’re an elder emo like me and just want some nice, dark armour, this list is for you. I’ve been on the lookout since day one for some recolours. and our DAtV modders have blessed us. Here are five armour mods to match your soul.

As always, here’s your reminder to mod at your own risk.

June’s Black Gear

by DarkUrgeDiaries


Image from DarkUrgeDiaries

June’s Black Gear has grown more and more over the past few months, meaning it offers a plethora of options and a mass of accent colours for base game armours. You’d be amazed with how darkening the material can completely change an armour’s vibe. Nevarra owes a debt of gratitude to this mod, as it has instantly upped them to having the best outfits out of all the factions.

Lucanis in Black

By cedastarions


Image from cedastarions

Simply put: Lucanis is an assassin. Why is he wearing bright purple? Don’t you generally not want to be seen when you’re out on a hit? Isn’t that arguably one of the most important traits of the job?

Either way, this mod has fixed that for you. Dress Lucanis in either black and purple or black and red.

Boring Wardens

by LenaLochness


Image from LenaLochness

Do you miss your Wardens from the last three games? The ones dressed in a nice, dark blue and silver? LenaLochness, being a person after my own heart, has you covered. With this mod, Warden armour across the whole game becomes dirtier and duller. No more glaring blue.

Beyond the Stars — Monochrome



Image from Tbextra

For N7 day, the BioWare developers gifted players with armour inspired by Commander Shepard of Mass Effect fame. Personally, it took me finding recolours on the Nexus to even know this was supposed to be Shepard’s N7 armour. The colouring of the original comes up as more blue-tinged on many monitors, meaning it reads more as something one would wear in the French Revolution than a Mass Effect: Legendary Edition game.

While there are other mods out there that will change the tinting to Shepard’s more classic black and red, this particular mod switches it up and offers a monochrome look. This makes it fit in more into a medieval fantasy setting, as the silver detailing looks more like standard plate armour.

Kirkwall’s Finest — a Darker Recolour

by ilzkaal


Image from ilzkaal

As another BioWare gift, players were also given Hawke’s iconic armour from Dragon Age II. Issue being, the colouring was edited to match the bright aesthetics of DAtV instead of its more grungy brethren. It’s a totally logical choice to make, but we’re here to dull it down. Kirkwall’s Finest offers you multiple recolours, including one closer to the original canon colouring and some other darker options.

With these five mods, you finally start to have plain, nice, basic-looking styles in your game. Go forth and embrace the darkness, friends.








Tina Vatore

Tina Vatore

Staff Writer

“That's what I'm here for: to deliver unpleasant news and witty one-liners."

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