Is the Sun Burning Mechanic Annoying in V Rising?
I'm going to be honest with you; my first encounter with V Rising was watching my wife play a bit of the preview code that was sent to us because I couldn't wait for her to play as a vampire; she loves playing as all sorts of monstrosities.
My wife is a natural vampire, as she is perfect at hiding from the sun at all times and sticking to the shadows; turns out, she's great at doing that in-game too! Jokes aside, I didn't realise how difficult it was to stick to the shadows until I got to play a bit of V Rising myself and found that I was pretty helpless against the scalding strength of the sun. Unlike my wife, I didn't know how to manoeuvre around the shadows and it led to some pretty serious burns without the added benefit of a sweet tan. This begged the question: is the V Rising sunburn mechanic fun? Or is burning at the hands of a 24-hour cycle the game's ultimate killer?
I'll start by addressing my first and biggest worry: does the sun force you to stay indoors for too long and make the gameplay boring? I was worried that, seeing as you are useless throughout the daytime, the sun mechanic would stick you in your castle for minutes on end with nothing to do.
Here, I'm using the door as a protection from the sun while I work on the sawmill!
Turns out I worried for nothing. Although a lot of the action-heavy gameplay lies in the night, as you'll be able to venture out and slaughter your foes, you have plenty of chores to do in the daytime too. Now, when I say chores, I don't mean boring and mundane tasks; not only can you decorate throughout the daytime to make your castle of almighty doom presentable, but you can also use this spare time to fix your weaponry, armour, and ensure your success for upcoming nighttime hunts.
While you wait for the pesky sunlight to go away, you can craft weapons and armour, and I often found myself excited for the daylight to come around so that I could go upgrade my items and sort out where they belong.
My other worry was far less stressful, as I was a bit concerned about how annoying it might be to be a slave to the sun. Although I'm a sucker (hah) for realism, I wondered if it would feel too punishing to have to hide in the daytime.
I waited half a day to kill them because they were in the sun... Just kidding, they died instantly!
Now, is the daylight oppressive? Absolutely, it wouldn't be a vampire game without it. But, it isn't difficult at all to handle. You get a couple of moments before the sun actually starts burning you, so you'll be able to run to the nearest shadow and hide from it. Not only that but the overworld is filled with trees and mountains that provide sufficient cover; I even fought a boss while in the shadows! Although it can be far more boring to stand under a tree and wait out the daytime, it isn't nearly as bad because there isn't a lot of it; daytime is only 1/3 of the day.
All of this is even more neutralised because, in the settings for V Rising's servers, you can edit how long the day is, and how much of the 24 hours is actually burning daytime. Even if you want the daytime to be long enough, you can edit how much the sun damages your vampire from quintuple damage to null, so even if you want the sun to do damage, you can adjust how much.
So, is the sunlight annoying? Not in the slightest. The developers gave enough options to make it as accessible or as annoying as any individual vampire might want, and that includes making your blood-sucker sunburn-proof.