V Rising Super Ultrawide Compatibility
Ah, super ultrawide monitors — the one thing I would actually stop eating junk food to save up for. My pride and joy, and the most recent cause of my seemingly rock-bottomless gaming addiction...but oh, what a headache it can be! Half the time, I end up having to go to GitHub and spend 20 minutes trying to figure out how to download a mod to get the game to work at 32:9 (does anyone actually know how to use that site?!) or give up and play it on 1920x1080.
To help you avoid that same headache, I'd like to tell you about my experiences withV Rising on a super ultrawide monitor! We big screen fans have to stick together, after all.
The main menu's black side bars convinced me the game was going to need some tweaking, as most titles that do that end up in me having to mod them. Thankfully, once I got to the character creation screen, the bars disappeared, and the compatibility began shining through — the menus fit well, the background was nicely visible, and (possibly most importantly) the character's head wasn't cut off. Everything fit nicely and worked as intended!
The tension released further as I stepped into the in-game world and found that the HUD and all of its elements were properly placed and that even the menus fit nicely and ran smoothly! No cropped corners, no uncomfortable scrolling — just pure bliss and tons of visibility!
In addition to that, the game feels great to play with such a wide range of vision. The enemy's position was always available to me, checking the area for resources was very easy, and it was an honest pleasure to have such a nice view of the home my wife and I built together. I will never complain about being able to see more of V Rising's nice, gloomy setting!
Well, now you know you can go into the game without any worries whatsoever — you won't even have to mess around with display settings at all! Just boot up the game and jump in to drink some blood!