What I'd Like to See in Breath of the Wild's Sequel
We all know about the upcoming The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild sequel; how wouldn’t we, since every time there is a Nintendo direct, every Nintendo fan gathers in hopes for a sliver of information? Seeing as I had some quarrels with the original Breath of the Wild, I know a couple of things I want to see remain and go away with its upcoming sequel.
#1 — No more weapon breaking mechanics
I'm not going to lie to you: I was not a big fan of the weapon-breaking mechanic system in the original. Not only was it frustrating to get a great weapon and not want to use it because it would break, but it was also frustrating to have to change weapons overall. Yet, my greatest grievance concerns the Master Sword; in what universe should the weapon to repel evil have a limit of use before it needs to recharge?!
I loathe the weapon breaking system, and I’d like to see it gone for Breath of the Wild 2. I hope that it's replaced instead with weapon unlocking where we get to wield different armaments and see Link's expertise in all of them.
#2 — Better dungeons
You knew this was coming.
The "dungeons" in Breath of the Wild are a glorified room, and I honestly hated them. Whilst I played through the game, the way these were implemented left me sorely disappointed, as I felt it took away one of the most crucial and fun elements of the Legend of Zelda franchise: its dungeons.
I want to see more intricate dungeon areas with far more puzzles. I want to be challenged and find a fun boss that isn't a Ganon variant within these walls. I don't need the Legend of Zelda to return to a linear storyline (although I sort of miss that), I need it to return more to its roots of dungeon-crawling gameplay.
#3 — A companion
Hey, look... LISTEN!!!!
I want to see the return of companions; they don't have to necessarily be fairies (though, I'd prefer it as such, since I miss Navi, Proxi, and Tatl), as I was happy and loved the others too, such as Midna, Fi, and the King of Red Lions. But I definitely want to see Link accompanied by someone else throughout his journeys — maybe Zelda!
#4 — Open-world map
Truth is, I've been trying to learn to like open-world games; they are becoming one of the most common genres in gaming and disliking them feels almost like a detriment to my capability of loving mainstream titles. I want to see Breath of the Wild 2 nail what an open-world game should be, including more quests, a livelier world, more interactions, and certainly a collectible that doesn't reward poop after countless hours of arduous work.
#5 — Mountable Loftwings
We get to the part of the article that might sound far-fetched, but hear me out: We saw them in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, and I fell in love with the Nintendo Chocobos. Since the map is becoming far more vertical (as mentioned by the producer), it would be awesome to see ways to traverse the map via air with Loftwings.
We'll need a form to traverse the lands, and what better way to give a nod to the official origin story than to include Loftwings? I want to see them, I want to ride them again, and I will cry if this happens (or doesn't, but the tears won't be of joy).
#6 — Co-op multiplayer
I always used the pink Link.
Okay, I know that this one is even more far-fetched than Loftwings, but seeing that both Zelda and Link are safe at the same time currently, along with the rising popularity of co-op in Nintendo titles (with entries like the upcoming Kirby and Super Mario Odyssey incorporating it), it isn't unfeasible.
Aside from Hyrule Warriors, the last time we actually had a Legend of Zelda game that incorporated multiplayer was back with The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures!
That's it for the list of things that I want to see incorporated into the upcoming Breath of the Wild sequel! What did I miss that you want? Let me know in the comments below, I'm sure that due to my limited exposure I missed tons of things.