Why I Won't Support The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is soon releasing. After seemingly years of waiting and a lot of delays, the new open-world adventure taking part in The Legend of Zelda franchise is at our fingertips again. And I won't be supporting it. There are several reasons why, so let's start with a bit of backstory.
Like many other older gamers, I started my gaming journey with The Legend of Zelda. I closely followed and supported Nintendo in my videogaming infancy. I played, rebought, and replayed every iteration of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, spent far too much time sailing across the Great Sea in The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, and even went out of my way to play all of the games "chronologically" (because let's be real, chronology is used very loosely in this franchise).
By the time The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild was released, I had been an avid fan of the franchise for years and joined in on the hype with every new release, and I — unfortunately — was not able to partake in the love for the latest entry. From the different directions regarding dungeons, the open-world elements, and even the way the game played just wasn't for me. I parted ways with the franchise over the last six years, but I hadn't written off The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
I fully intended to return to the new world of Hyrule and explore the broken and floating lands. I was excited to embark on a journey across a sequel, something that technically has happened before, but never so far as to be called The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2. My nostalgia and love for the franchise transcend my hate for Breath of the Wild, and my wife — a reluctant fan of the newest entry — also looked forward to seeing what kind of great new things we'd be able to do in this sequel.
So, from being so adamant to loving the new formula to boycotting it — what went wrong? Unfortunately, Nintendo's latest business practices have drawn the line for me to not be able to enjoy Tears of the Kingdom.
As of the last couple of days, Nintendo has actively attacked its Breath of the Wild community of content creators — some of the most passionate fans the title and franchise has — in favour of copyright striking and bringing down videos. Reclaiming these videos puts the economic stability of various content creators at risk, and going back on their word on the official Nintendo Game Content Guidelines for Online Video & Image Sharing Platforms, which many have abided by since 2018.
Why? No one knows. At least, not at the time of writing.
Various creators have had their Breath of the Wild (and other Nintendo intellectual property titles) videos taken down, and one in specific — PointCrow, the YouTuber responsible for creating a bounty for the Breath of the Wild multiplayer mod — has been specifically, and viciously, targetted. In a seven-minute video, the YouTuber goes on to explain the entire situation regarding the videos taken down by Nintendo, sharing an email that was sent to the company and has not yet received a response. The only form of response he has received was in the form of further takedown notices and copyright strikes. To better understand the severity of the situation, I strongly urge you to check out his video on the topic.
This isn't the first time that Nintendo has targeted content creators and protected their intellectual property, but it is the first time they have done so with this much aggression.
Refusing to communicate with your most loyal fanbase, to those that give you free publicity, and instead retaliating with further aggression isn't the first of Nintendo's wrongdoings against its followers — and it won't be the last.
I don't mind Nintendo trying to return to its innovation by experimenting with franchises — such is the reason for the success of both Super Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild. I don't mind that one of my favourite franchises was brutally gutted and turned into an empty world because I was glad that others could enjoy it. But adding to it that the company vehemently attacks its content creators — seemingly without purpose — because they refuse to communicate and find common ground? That's taking it too far.
lmao wot - 10:15pm, 20th April 2023
clickbait and stroking your own ego in on article? nice
Artura Dawn - 01:44pm, 21st April 2023 Author
Hey there!
I don't really see how this is either clickbait or me stroking my own ego, but regardless, thanks for reading and commenting! I appreciate it!
Dickens - 06:46pm, 22nd April 2023
I got what you were saying. But I have to blame the fans entirely. Nintendo has always done this and the fans put up with it. Nintendo keep doing it because the fans never take a stand. All they do is cry and moan on Twitter on how bad Nintendo or you have the defenders who defined Nintendo's nonsense. Once the community stood reviewing or buying their games, they will learb
Artura Dawn - 07:22pm, 22nd April 2023 Author
Hey there!
I definitely agree that this is perpetuated as well by the community's reactions, but it makes sense that a lot of people are deathly loyal to Nintendo, considering the company has been part of a lot of people's childhoods overall. Growing up with Nintendo, I see why you can grow attached to the company that brings you happy memories and great experiences, so I don't blame those who still support the company. As others have said — more power to them, it just isn't something for me.
Thanks a lot for the comment! <3
Christian Palermo - 02:31pm, 24th April 2023
I'm definitely agreeing with the Arthur on this. I'm a huge fan of Zelda as well ever since my earliest gaming days and I loved the formula. However Breath of the Wild felt a bit too different for me as a Zelda game. I still loved it to death but it was a bit of a drastic change to get used to. However, I've never been more excited for a game in my life like TOTK because the trailers maked it look amazing and it seems they've included everything, and I'm hoping they mixed some of the older elements of traditional Zelda with new ones. Regarding PointCrow, I have been a fan of him before BOTW, and unfortunately I have to side with you on me going against Nintendo for this because PointCrow is an amazing YouTuber and his mods are the reason I still play BOTW today. I will still play TOTK but I'm not going to just keep on with Nintendo, but I'm not blaming the game developers for other Nintendo games such as Miyamoto and Sakurai because they have just about no involvement or fault in this, and I'm not sure if Zelda's developer (His name is not present in my head right now) is too involved with this yet as this is a separate department. Of course PointCrow doesn't deserve this hell and I hope it gets better, and as shitty as Nintendo can be as a company, they did make my childhood, and as a result, I will give them 70 dollars for their newest title. If you do end up playing TOTK, I hope you enjoy it, and I hope I get more articles on your actually respectable opinions
Artura Dawn - 09:47pm, 25th April 2023 Author
Hi Christian!
Thanks a lot for your comment! Your final sentence meant a lot to me, and I hope you know that supporting the game isn't inherently wrong — as someone in the comments mentioned as well, the developers and law team are part of the same entity but the former is not responsible for the latter's decisions.
I hope you enjoy Tears of the Kingdom, and thanks a lot for commenting!
Christian Palermo - 08:39pm, 26th April 2023
Thanks for responding, and I'm glad it did. I keep getting emails seeing a bunch of people hate on you for making this article, even though you're just letting them know your opinion (Internet is not the best place for that anymore) but I'm glad you're not taking their shit. I don't know if you or your wife will end up playing the game, but if so, I hope you guys enjoy it. It does look great.
Andy - 07:51pm, 22nd April 2023
Pretty much lol The dude released a new game basically, publicly before nintendos new release. They are 100% in the right to do this. Also nobody cares that you don't like botw lol
Mothache - 01:08am, 23rd April 2023
You cared enough to comment about it though, rofl.
Artura Dawn - 01:50am, 23rd April 2023 Author
Hey there, Andy!
The problem isn't only with the modded content on Breath of the Wild, but also the ones that were perfectly within the Nintendo Terms of Service, and the one I shared in my article above.
Thanks for commenting!
Seth93 - 12:34am, 13th May 2023
Even though I'm techniclly doing it too it's best if we ignore clickbaity articles like this, stop giving them attention (which we all know is the main reasons they make shit articles like this), and move on
Wizard - 09:44pm, 18th May 2023
Dave - 06:58am, 21st April 2023
Great article by the way. It seems Nintendo is far from what it used to be. My love for them is really starting to grow cold and distant. I'm truly afraid of switching to PC or another console without them retaliating.
Artura Dawn - 01:46pm, 21st April 2023 Author
Hi there!
Unfortunately, Nintendo has grown into such a bittered old shell of what it used to be, and it's proven more and more by their aggressive practices with seemingly no reason...
Thanks for commenting!
Robyn - 12:50pm, 21st April 2023
So you're going to boycott a game from a series you claim to love... Because a content creator making money off a property he legally doesn't own is having their content removed by the rightful owner? How entitled are you? Did the content creator ask for permission to use said property for profit? No, Nintendo is in the right. You're supporting theft, plain and simple, black and white. Just because other game companies let it slide with THEIR properties, doesn't mean Nintendo is required to do the same. You might let your friend borrow something of yours, but I won't let your friend borrow something of mine. That's kind of how ownership of property works, the OWNER gets to decide how it's used and nobody has any say so on the matter whatsoever.
Artura Dawn - 01:55pm, 21st April 2023 Author
Hey there!
I wouldn't say standing for fellow fans and those that support the company and games for years to come is me being "entitled" and a far cry from being "theft". Content creators keep games alive for years after their expiration date, the same way that modders do. Publishers and developers also thrive off of this relationship because they are getting free publicity.
This is the first in a long line of transgressions that Nintendo has had against fans, communities that support their games, and anything to do with their IP. If they don't want content creators to support them and help them with these things, then it is quite clear where they stand when it comes to their fans.
Not to mention that this isn't Nintendo "protecting" its IP but brutally making an example of one content creator and putting their livelihood at risk. And PointCrow doesn't legally own it, but in the Nintendo Game Content Guidelines for Online Video & Image Sharing Platforms, you can clearly see that the content creator is within their rights to post.
Thanks for the comment!
Flo - 02:57pm, 21st April 2023
A content creator making money of property he doesn't own... Hum, so all those guy making videos in a gym own the gym? If i make a video review about my car i guess i have ownership of the brand? How about video of a city tour, taking advantage of the tax payers for keeping the city clean. This BS can go for 90% of content. The rest is videos of my dog in my garden. Man, wait until you hear about all those shops making a profit out of the poor farmers do they own the farm? Crazy of economic works. how dare they. I own the game i bought and if i want to make a video with it the same way i own my car where is the difference. Will they take my car away if i change the exhaust of give a copyright strike?
Artura Dawn - 05:28pm, 21st April 2023 Author
Really great way to put it, Flo! Thank you for commenting and reading! <3
Poopybuttholejr - 03:32pm, 22nd April 2023
You're 100% incorrect. When purchasing a game you are essentially renting it from the owner. Think of it as leasing a car vs financing a car. Renting an apartment vs obtaining a mortgage. You own nothing by renting - plain and simple. Nintendo has 100% every right to ensure their IP is protected how they see fit, no matter how ridiculous YOU think that is. Nintendo does not require the assistance of the community for mods or various support. Nintendo has the largest IP's on the planet over 40 years old in the making. And as far as out author is concerned here? This is an opinion piece article. Do whatever you please but how childish are you to continue to fight in the comments? "They didn't agree with me so I'm going to tell them they are wrong and wait until someone agrees with me." I'm sure you're mother is proud...
Artura Dawn - 03:49pm, 22nd April 2023 Author
Hey there!
I'm not continuing the fight! I'm giving out my opinion and allowing a debate to be formed, but under no means is this supposed to be a "me right; you wrong" sort of scenario! I like answering to all comments, but I feel that answering things that are non-sensical is disrespectful to those that bother to leave a comment. I take my time with each one because it's important to me and meaningful that people leave their opinions and perspectives, and the last thing I want to do is dismiss it with a simple "Thanks for reading!".
ThePizzaMuncher - 11:48am, 23rd April 2023
So you won’t be opposed to Nintendo coming up and taking away the game cartridge you bought? Or bricking your Switch / making it unable to play the game you bought? Interesting take
xlrx - 09:27pm, 25th April 2023
Something like this coming from somebody called "Poopybuttholejr" shouldn't be too surprising, but it is what it is. I believe they meant to apply the whole analogy about purchasing a car or renting an apartment over usage of the IP within the game itself. Clearly they haven't actually gone through the nitty gritty things EULAs for things as particular as Breath of The Wild, as well as the content creator opportunities companies like Nintendo have outlined by presenting withing their content sharing guidelines. What people like them are missing is that striking videos from the content creators that support them is far from protecticlng their IP, especially with a game that generates thousands of videos that more than easily drive more people to buy it than Nintendo's advertising alone. Any company who does this to their own fans (content creators or not) has to be pretty callous and immoral to do so. Simply stating they have a legal standing in it doesn't make them a righteous entity. Though this isn't the first time Nintendo has done something this scummy. What makes this more notable is that even through the guidelines they've pointed out, they're more than willing to breach them, and enforce YouTube to strike videos they simply don't like, for any given reason. Just sayin', to tell somebody they're wrong for having a reasonable opinion over something like this is pretty ignorant.
Acelister - 03:15pm, 21st April 2023
Looking forward to Ninty taking down charity speedruns, because if anyone should be making money from YouTube, it should be the official Nintendo channels.
Just kidding, Nintendo's legal team has obviously run out of people to sue, so they're trawling through YouTube for something to do while they look for a children's hospital ward to take to court over a painting of Yoshi.
Artura Dawn - 05:27pm, 21st April 2023 Author
Considering their actions in EVO 2013, this really isn't as unlikely as I'd like it to be...
I'll just add "Getting sued by Nintendo" to the good ol' bucket list!
Bgrishinko - 05:57am, 22nd April 2023
Look, Nintendo doesn't take down the vast majority of content creators. It's an interesting balance. But it does aggressively protect it's IP from modding and hacks. Some are harmless and they let is slide, some though may risk sales of future plans/titles. See AM2R or the Pokémon fan games. Maybe Nintendo is looking to do a multi-player Zelda in a few years. The point is, changing the source code of a game and distributing it in some way, Nintendo has every legal right to pursue this.
Artura Dawn - 02:02pm, 22nd April 2023 Author
Although I agree, there are a couple of issues with the way Nintendo has actively pursued to attack their content creators, and it isn't the first time that they have tried the "make an example" approach with others. It feels like an unfair attack against content creators and it doesn't send the message across properly. If they updated their content guidelines and — most importantly — communicated properly with them, this would be a different story.
I understand Nintendo might maybe want to make a multiplayer Zelda game, and I understand how that might hurt their sales (though oftentimes it's just free publicity), but they don't update guidelines, don't respond to content creators, and don't communicate with those that want to support them. I just wish that the company would try to do better by those that have covered their games and those that have tried to keep them alive almost six years after the original release without rampantly attacking content creators and hoping that sends a message enough.
Thank you for properly coming and arguing the point — I always appreciate a good discussion on these topics!
Kassjazz - 01:07pm, 22nd April 2023
So you don't agree with copyright law? What a goofy reason to boycott a game. There are issues to take a stand on...and whatever this is. Your loss I guess, nintendo won't miss the income.
Artura Dawn - 02:04pm, 22nd April 2023 Author
I understand copyright law, but outright attacking content creators that support you and refusing to properly communicate but instead continuously threatening them with copyright strikes that could harm their entire career — not JUST their Nintendo content — is a different approach altogether. Update the guidelines, send a message about what isn't okay, respond to the people reaching out to try to understand and find a middle ground. This is just abuse of free publicity and marketing until they decide that they no longer want it and give the cold shoulder to those that have supported them for years.
Thegamesnotoveryet - 05:03pm, 22nd April 2023
First time reader of this site, and I guess my Google news feed knows I can't stand Nintendo anymore, and not a fan of BotW, so this article was recommended. I've been a fan of Nintendo since the Game & Watch, and they helped form some of my greatest gaming moments of the last 40 or so years.
That being said, as a company, I no longer support them for reasons like those stated in this article. As they piss on the very fan base that made the company what it is. But besides that, I no longer enjoy them as a game maker, and while I don't dislike all of their games, I dislike more than I enjoy.
I put 40-50 hours in to BotW before finally having to say, "this is not for me". Several other games that seem to be best sellers, just don't feel the same to me. My last Nintendo device purchase was the 3DS, and I still use it most of the time, but I didn't care for the Wii U, and probably less for the Switch(Wii U 2.0).
So at the end of the day, I'm just not drawn to their games much anymore, and even less to their systems. And the way they bully the community, is just the icing on the cake for me in no longer financially supporting this company. But for those who still do, more power to you.
Artura Dawn - 06:25pm, 22nd April 2023 Author
Hey, Thegamesnotoveryet!
Welcome to GameGrin! I really hope you're here to stay <3.
I have to agree that there is a sense of more like or dislike the better you've gotten to know the company. It's stupid (and very complicated as a journalist!), but the more you like the company, the easier it is to digest their games, even the bad ones.
I'm sorry to hear that Nintendo hasn't been the same for you over the last couple of years, but I really do hope that you've managed to find many other awesome games in their stead!
Thanks a lot for reading! <3
Juan - 05:03pm, 22nd April 2023
Although Nintendo probably has some rights to do what they've been doing, the way they are doing it is very aggressive and unfair imo. But I do believe the peopme who made the game and the people who attack their fans are two very different parts of the same company. I think the people who spent years working on the game would want one to enjoy what they make. Its one of those moments where I value the creative individuals over the company. But it still sucks alot. Just buy it second hand though because then Nintendo gets no money from you, because I don't want you to miss out :)
Thegamesnotoveryet - 05:33pm, 22nd April 2023
Yeah, before I cut them off completely, I was buying used, as even during my time with the 3DS I can't remember the last game I bought new. But now it's more about overall game quality, as I just don't find their games that fun anymore, and certainly not worth full price). I can get tons of great indie titles for pennies on the dollar through Steam, and those developers are happy to have the support. They also don't treat supporters like trash, and those games are unique, fun, and in no short supply. Vs Nintendo and releasing new games maybe once a generation if lucky.
Artura Dawn - 06:22pm, 22nd April 2023 Author
Hey there!
This is actually a very interesting point of view. I feel that, although I didn't personally like Breath of the Wild, Nintendo has been trying to innovate... not always successfully! Although the latest Pokemons have been a bit of a miss, I was very pleased with Super Mario Odyssey, and my only complaint about that title is that the sequel isn't out yet!
What you say is very true as well — there are a lot of budding indie devs that would love even a hundredth of the support Nintendo gets, which is why we try to cover them here as much as we can!
Thanks a lot for reading and commenting!
Artura Dawn - 06:19pm, 22nd April 2023 Author
Hi, Juan!
Yeah, the way that the company is going about the protection of their IP is the biggest problem I have with it. Similarly to how I don't complain about the music availability because that is clearly in breach of their guidelines, my biggest complaint is the lack of communication to its content creators.
I do see your point about how it is two different entities of the same company! It's a great point of view and one I appreciate you bringing to my attention.
Thank you for your suggestions, for taking the time to read, and for the comment! <3
Tim - 05:58pm, 22nd April 2023
I'm 44 and you just walked past BotW not being for you. You didn't like it and that's fine. Boggles my mind but to each his own. However let's be real here. You are boycotting a sequel to a game you don't like because of the company politics regarding ip rights. Keep it about the game. Open world adventure with focus on survival using the world around you. If you didn't like Botw how would you enjoy Totk? Especially since it's expanding on the gameplay created in Botw. You could have taken time to articulate what doesn't work for you in botw and why that is unappealing to you. But that would be an insightful article of introspection that would gave been a good read. Instead you circumvent you dislike in 5 words then climb up on a pedestal and go after Nintendo as a corporation. So try again please. Why do you not like totk? Because you didn't like Botw....end of story.
Artura Dawn - 06:16pm, 22nd April 2023 Author
Hi there, Tim!
My hope was actually that I would see BotW mechanics bettered over TotK! A better open world with more things to do (which, from what we've seen, looks quite promising!), better combat (which, according to the latest gameplay showcase, it looked pretty cool!), and just overall seeing a better BotW! Perhaps my biggest complaint was the lack of dungeons, and I was hoping to be able to see more traditional ones with the open-world format.
If the dungeons are fixed and Nintendo managed to make the open world feel less empty, I was going to be all in for Tears of the Kingdom, and that is why I was excited to join in on this.
Thank you for commenting!
CyberAngel - 01:43pm, 26th April 2023
What's with the lack of dungeons? The 4 Divine Beasts provide 4 large "dungeons" and each shrine (of which there are 120) provides a small "dungeon" with a puzzle.
Does it mean that every "dungeon" must be underground?
Ocarina of Time also doesn't have "dungeons" per se, just large temples. Majora's Mask has just parts of the interconnected worlds. Windwaker has you sailing to different islands - is that your idea of a "dungeon"?
I'm working through the series somewhat backwards, started with BotW, followed by OoT and MM, partly played Windwaker and Twilight Princess and I'm about a 1/3 of the way through A Link to the Past.
SeanNorm - 02:02am, 23rd April 2023
There is absolutely nothing wrong with choosing not to purchase a product based on the companies behaviour. It's called being an informed consumer and looking into what your spending is directly approving of. If you're happy only considering products on a product by product basis, great, do that. But by demanding the author cater to your preference of only considering surface level factors you are being very arrogant and entitled.
Darrian - 07:11pm, 22nd April 2023
So you are only boycotting this because Nintendo is copyright striking people? And totk only had one delay, originally slated for 2022. They wanted to release a finished game unlike most game producers. Botw had 4 delays just from the difficulty of making that games physics run smoothly. I believe this game totally deserved the most anticipated game award and is 100% game of the year material. It's not about graphics or fps. It's about innovation in gameplay versus other games and story telling. It's your lose to not play this. I'm sure you will pick up a copy of this game, maybe not during release but I can see you buying it a year in.
Artura Dawn - 07:20pm, 22nd April 2023 Author
Hi there, Darrian!
The reason for my boycott will be because of Nintendo's overall practices as a company, the latest of which is this controversy that they have gotten themselves into against content creators.
As for the most anticipated game of the year award, I'm not really arguing against that! This is definitely high on the list of many players, but I am depicting why I personally will not be supporting the game when it releases.
Thank you for commenting!
RipCord - 08:41pm, 22nd April 2023
Isn't that person the same person who was posting videos of the multiplayer mod of BoTW. That is why his videos are being claimed. Modding Nintendo games is against thier ToS.
Thegamesnotoveryet - 11:11pm, 22nd April 2023
They also took down vidoes of games that weren't modded in any way, shape or form, just because they could. Awhile back, Nintendo struck one of "didyouknowgamings" videos that was about a game never released, and was very informative. But just because, they had it taken down, but DYKG had the balls and the resources to fight back and got that video put back up. Like I said above, Nintendo are nothing more than bullies at this point.
My son who is now 17, grew up on Nintendo and plays their games more than most(but is starting to move more to PS5), is actually not planning to get TotK for the same reasons. He is fans of certain content creators, and doesn't like how Nintendo is treating them, and him and his small group of friends have all decided to take the same action(good for them).
And yes, I understand there are certain YT creators who post videos that violate rules, and in those cases, yeah, they can do what they feel is right. But there are just as many who follow the rules, and don't have the deep pockets of certain creators to fight back, and YT bends to the coperate entity and that's that.
You can always tell the diehard Nintendo fans, because no matter the facts, or issues, they will defend them to the death. While I've been a bigger Nintendo fan than probably any other gaming company in my life(SNES is my GOAT), I know the differance between right and or wrong. And when I see wrong, I call it out and don't support it. But the line in the sand for some, is a dip in the pool for others, so it is what it is.
Artura Dawn - 01:49am, 23rd April 2023 Author
Hey there, Thegamesnotoveryet!
Thank you for sharing more happenings with Nintendo! I wasn't aware that didyouknowgamings had been targeted as well. It's also awesome that you shared some more insight on the situation and a more in-depth explanation for some of the issues!
Thanks a lot for reading and commenting! I appreciate it. <3
Artura Dawn - 01:46am, 23rd April 2023 Author
Hi there, RipCord!
Yes! Although most of the videos were taken down for being modded content, not all of them were, and this isn't the only content creator that has been targetted, but one of many. What really upset be — and I believe I failed to convey in the article properly — is the lack of communication, even when directly contacted, and the aggression as a replacement for actually trying to communicate.
Thanks a lot for reading and commenting!
M. Smith - 12:44am, 23rd April 2023
Holy sh**, Just look how many people have moral principles ls for not buying ToK, a presumably blast of a game , as a way to protest against NINTENDO for being picky about copyrights. Well, since the rest of us are scumbags and have none, I guess we will be buying it day one.
Artura Dawn - 01:41am, 23rd April 2023 Author
Hi there, M. Smith!
It really is fine that you want to support Nintendo by buying Tears of the Kingdom! Honestly, I was sharing my opinion and spreading the word about the situation.
Thanks for commenting!
Mothache - 01:21am, 23rd April 2023
These Nintendo fanboys defending Nintendo like they own the company anything gives me no regret of no longer supporting the company anymore. Like jeez, I'm getting flash backs to when Jim Sterling gave BotW a 7 out of 10 which cause their website to get doxxed. Why are we still acting so aggressive over someone on the internet giving their option about something? If you're so bother by someone disagreeing with the upcoming release of a game then who cares? Literally ignore it and just buy the game then, people have their right to express their opinion and you have your right to disagree with it, but that doesn't mean you should act so low and bend the knee to companies who couldn't care less about you. Companies are not your friend.
Artura Dawn - 01:44am, 23rd April 2023 Author
Hi there, Mothache!
Thanks a lot for your comment! I understand that sometimes articles like these can seem incriminating to some (sort of a 'moral high ground'), but I appreciate you coming to comment about letting others just post their opinions.
I hope you liked the article! <3
CaptDeathmoose - 01:31pm, 26th April 2023
Wait...so according to you, this person is defending peoples rights to post their opinions by attacking people that are posting their opinions? What? Is it only allowed to have an opinion if it supports the anti-nintendo agenda? Lmfao talk about a double standard...
No - 03:15am, 23rd April 2023
Who cares!! Why did Google recommend this to me
Andi - 09:59am, 23rd April 2023
This is such amazing subjective, egocentric, and feelings driven article Is this how gaming community nowadays?
Artura Dawn - 02:41pm, 23rd April 2023 Author
Hey there!
Admittedly, the article isn't supposed to be an objective point of view, considering it is why I will not be supporting Nintendo, all the while providing information and sources for my information.
Thanks for commenting!
ThePizzaMuncher - 11:57am, 23rd April 2023
I commend your dedication to your values; I share the values but I don’t really have that same energy to ‘vote with the wallet’, especially considering how little that one vote matters to a company that practically gets worshiped by some. (That and I’m just w a y too excited for the game) I can’t say I feel the same about BotW, but I can recognise how it would be too empty to some; it’s certainly rather empty to replay.
Artura Dawn - 02:40pm, 23rd April 2023 Author
That's okay! You don't have to feel bad for being excited and supporting Nintendo. I understand their games feel quite unique and there aren't many that can replicate that quality at times!
Thank you for reading and leaving a comment! <3
Acelister - 08:18am, 24th April 2023
What do you mean Nintendo has hardcore fanboys? *looks at some other comments on here* Ah, nvm
Artura Dawn - 01:29pm, 24th April 2023 Author
What? No, of course not. This is just passion and love that is being thrown around with a bit too much vigour.
ThePizzaMuncher - 02:11pm, 24th April 2023
A friendly disagreement
Thegamesnotoveryet - 05:29pm, 23rd April 2023
As stated in my post, I no longer support Nintendo because I no longer care for the majority of their games and systems. The fact that they bully others because they can, is just another thing added to my list, but certainly not the main reason. I didn't care for BotW, and the latest game looks like more of the same, with some Banjo "Nuts & Bolts" thrown in for good measure(didn't care for that game either BTW).
So yeah, most of my complaints and issues are from game production that doesn't match quality of 20 years ago. But between charging high retail cost for almost a decades old mobile chipset, and the Joy-Con issues(sent in well over 8 sets for repair on my sons units), I see a company that is a shell of it's former self.
All good things come to an end, and for me, Nintendo jumped the shark at least in regards to consoles with the Wii. And that was the last new console I bought from them, and while that system sold amazing numbers, it was for all the wrong reasons.
Artura Dawn - 05:52pm, 23rd April 2023 Author
Hello again, Thegamesnotoveryet!
I think calling Nintendo a shell of its former self is a great way to put it. I'm sorry that your love for them has dwindled, especially as someone that has had great memories with the company and its games for actual decades. All we can do now is hope that they become the fantastic company they once were!
Thegamesnotoveryet - 06:27pm, 23rd April 2023
It's all good, as I'm 51 years old, and many things from my childhood I once loved, have gone away(businesses closed), or they changed in to something I no longer like or recognize. Disney comes to mind, and I don't dislike Disney because of being woke, as many would have you believe(can't stand that term BTW). But because they charge way to much, and offer very little, and they treat their park employees(the companies backbone) like trash. But there are many other amusement park offerings, so if I never set foot in a Disney park again, I have my memories and other places that are just as fun, and don't cost your first born to enjoy. LOL
I would feel bad about Nintendo if this was the 80's after the market crashed, and there were few other options in regards to game developement. But in current times, I can't keep track of all the amazing games being released by so many great and wonderful companies. Need a great Zelda style game to play, there's hundreds out there, need a great metroid style game, to many to count. Need an amazing Mario platformer, the industtry has you covered. And for the most part, these games are just as good, or even better than the games that inspired them.
So while I no longer spend my funds at Nintendo, I never stopped spending them with others who I feel deserve tham so much more.
Artura Dawn - 10:34pm, 23rd April 2023 Author
That's great to hear! Yeah, thankfully, the industry has managed to create formidable competitors for many Nintendo franchises, and that's always a welcome surprise! I'm still looking for a great Zelda-like with dungeons that are as intricate and enjoyable, but I haven't had the pleasure so far. One can dream! <3
Happy to hear you no longer mourn the company and the games! It's great that the videogame industry has grown so much and we've been able to watch it evolve into different genres and even better versions of them, so we live in great times!
JustFyi - 09:51pm, 19th May 2023
Get the Gulikit replacement joysticks: easy to replace, no more drift. I even managed to beat the Path Of Pain in Hollow Knight with them :)
Dsol777 - 04:18pm, 24th April 2023
I personally don't think this is a viable reason to not support a game. The game will probably be amazing, but just because the company who made it is staying true to what they've always done (Saying this isn't a surprise), I see no reason to not support this game. It is against the terms and conditions to do this stuff with the games, so I see nothing wrong with Nintendo's actions. If anything I've said is wrong, let me know. I don't wanna sound stupid.
Artura Dawn - 04:53pm, 24th April 2023 Author
Hi there!
Haha, I really appreciate that you ask for corrections, and I see what you mean by Nintendo not really going outside of their MO here, but it has become such a repetitive and continuous issue, that it's starting to get out of hand.
In terms of what is and isn't outside of the Nintendo ToS is a bit of a tricky subject, and there are a couple of arguments that can be made about it. It's strange that they are going outside of their norm while mods have been around for so long and also not persecuting others for the exact same issue in other games (look at Super Mario Odyssey's multiplayer mode). Consistency of punishment is important to show creators what is and isn't okay, because the aggressions against PointCrow and various other creators is taking it too far because two copyright strikes is very bad (watch PointCrow's video to understand more).
Also, it's worth noting that they also took down a video that doesn't break their ToS in any way. When contacted to try to find a common ground, Nintendo's response was downright aggression rather than trying to communicate with the content creators!
As mentioned above in one of the comments, this is more a "voting with money" sort of scenario, but I don't think it's wrong for others (such as yourself) to support the game. It is viable to judge companies on a product-to-product basis, but in this instance, I feel it's gone a bit too far for me to do that with Nintendo.
Thanks a lot for commenting and reading!
GAMMA_DC - 01:47am, 25th April 2023
As much as I hate nintendo, pointcrow knew what he was getting into when making that mod and shouldn't be suprised in the slightest at nintendo's response. Just look at project M. I will say I completely agree about botw being a boring empty game and totk looks the exact same but 10 bucks more. I'll have to wait until it comes out to see if that's true (I hope I'm wrong)
Diggidoggin - 08:19am, 25th April 2023
You could have made this article a lot shorter read by just saying "Im an entitled brat with no understanding of how basic business law works or why a company would ever choose to legally defend their intellectual property, that theve spent nearly 40 years developing, against dilution." FYI, a company can lose the right to a trademark if they dont actively defend it legally. Please, do a modicum of research into trademark and intellectual property law before you write any more inintelligible tripe on the matter.
Knightshyft - 12:32pm, 25th April 2023
I agree with this article for the most part. I've seen it time and time again that whenever Nintendo gets that odd hitter that somehow makes them trigger happy against the same people they claim to support...well, that puts me against them, and I now fully support buying secondhand and not giving them a cent. Also, since they no longer sell the Gameboy, DS, and 3DS systems, I've had the wonderful opportunity to find that you can now finally use Emulators off the app store to play all of them without them being taken down. Nintendo loves to cry piracy on those games, despite not making ANY money whatsoever on them....but if you guys want some nostalgia and can't find a game? Definitely get a mobile emulator. I found one called SUPERNDS that works amazingly and even replicates the controls and touchscreen aspect without messing with your phone. Gl, guys!
Sam - 03:02pm, 25th April 2023
Look, I love pointcrow, his content is great, and he didn't deserve Nintendo's bull-sh*t, but would he want you to boycott their game? No. And at that point, for me at least, all of your arguments fall apart.
Artura Dawn - 09:50pm, 25th April 2023 Author
Hey, Sam!
I wouldn't know, as I don't personally follow PointCrow as a content creator, but I think this is a very good point! That said, it isn't only because of the damage inflicted upon PointCrow but also what that represents as a whole regarding their stance with content creators and fans.
Thanks for reading!
Jon Wilson - 08:23pm, 25th April 2023
Great article!! Nintendo has become a shell of its former self, and it really freaking sucks. So it's great that you pointed it out. Very well written, too. :D
Ltearth - 12:49pm, 26th April 2023
Imagine thinking BOTW is an empty game lol you obviously haven't played any of the elder scrolls games like Oblivion, Morrowind or Skyrim. Or even the Fallout games. Those are some pretty empty worlds.
Acelister - 02:31pm, 26th April 2023
They also didn't mention Final Fantasy XV, Grand Theft Auto V, Wind Waker... Honestly, this article is a very empty list - empty like Breath of the Wild, eh?
MickSaveMOYF - 02:17pm, 26th April 2023
Overrated series that peaked with Skyward Sword, don't blame you for not supporting it!
CyberAngel - 04:03pm, 26th April 2023
Definitely not overrated and pretty influential on many other games and developers.
Remember the rule "If you can't say anything nice, better say nothing."
Hideo Kojima - 04:19pm, 26th April 2023
Check out my game!
LtEarth - 04:32pm, 26th April 2023
None of your games are fun. They're boring
Hideo Kojima - 04:51pm, 26th April 2023
WRONG! https://tenor.com/bIKxf.gif
anony mouse :3 - 08:41am, 4th May 2023
Your love for the Zelda franchise comes across quite clearly in this article, and while I do not hate BoTW, I did find it somewhat lackluster compared to previous entries. However, on the note of PointCrow, mods, content creation and the like, you overlook one vital (and admittedly easy to overlook) piece of information: the Nintendo EULA.
I have found myself increasingly jaded with and disappointed in Nintendo, but in this case, they were well within their rights to claim the content. I definitely don't agree with the selective way in which they choose to practice and lay claim to their rights, but I digress. I highly recommend watching this video (https://youtu.be/mo_AmQgSSqY), as it comes from a more informed, better spoken perspective.
Link - 05:55pm, 6th May 2023
Can't believe your falsely insulting the best game in the cosmos botw was and is amazing and I completely disagree with everything you said except that legend of Zelda tears of the kingdom will be the best
Phil - 05:04am, 9th May 2023
Hi! If you get a chance check out MoonChannel's take on the pointcrow situation on YouTube. Dude is a lawyer, and does a great job of going through the lawyery stuff dealing with modding and games, in particular Nintendo's recent actions.
It might not change your mind, and that's fine, but perhaps if it does you'll get to enjoy ToTK in a few days! Cheers!
bOra - 04:43pm, 10th May 2023
i went in thinking this would be another clickbaity and bad written article like so many these days but to my surprise it was very well written and straight forward. if this is the standart on this site i will definitly check the content more often
Eq - 07:55am, 20th May 2023
Alright, I'm not gonna trash you for your opinion but I do want to challenge the argument. Zelda, and TOTK more specifically is a property owned by Nintendo. Zelda, is not Nintendo. I can understand why you are unhappy with the business practice that Nintendo employs. Going after content creators and the like is a seemingly bizarre decision for a multitude of reasons. But that has NOTHING to do with the Zelda team. They probably have 0 say in the matter. To me, this is the equivalent of saying you refuse to buy a Ford because America started a war in Iraq. There's a connection between Ford and America, but the Iraq War shouldn't be the prevailing reason you refuse to buy a Ford. For the record, I was in a similar boat as far as BOTW went. To me it was the equivalent of an art house film. Too abstract, spacey, and not what I had hoped for when I saw the trailer. TOTK has been a completely different experience. There's too much to do. There's too much fun to be had. It's amazing how using the same foundation, Nintendo has managed to create something so brilliant. I really would urge you to reconsider. Not to support Nintendo and their politics, but to show your appreciation to the developers, the people who make the magic.
Acelister - 08:57am, 20th May 2023
I agree, obtain the game in a way that doesn't give Nintendo any money.
ColdFusion - 12:28am, 30th May 2023
If they make bad products, stop buying
If they violate the law like this, prosecute.
If prosecuting any big company is impossible due to how lawyers work, get out the guillotine and remove the problem. this isn't rocket science.