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Alien: Isolation Screenshots - New Images Released

Last month we reported that a selection of screenshots for Creative Assembly’s Alien: Isolation had appeared. We have now been treated to even more, which you can see above.

Alien: Isolation is a horror survival game set 15 years after the film Alien. The game centers on Amanda Ripley who is tasked to explore a space station in search of information that could explain her mother, Ellen Ripley's, disappearance.

In these screenshots we can see more of the ship and the proximity meters that will be your lifeline. The feel of isolation and desperation captured in the original movie also appears yet again. In the last screenshots we speculated about the presence of a synthetic. We can now see for sure that the ship is, or was, populated by synthetics.

So far so this game is looking good. If Alien: Isolation plays as good as it looks it could be the title to revive the Alien gaming franchise.

Helen Ashcroft

Helen Ashcroft

News Specialist

Writer of randomness and maker of films Helen AKA Jetgirl lives with her hubby and 3 kids who support her gaming habit.

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