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Dark Souls III Opening Cinematic Revealed

The opening cinematic for Bandai Namco's upcoming Dark Souls III has been revealed today. 

The First Flame is fading once more, and in this cycle, the world is known as Lothric. Three Lords of Cinder are unveiled: Aldrich, the Saint of the Deep, Farron's Undead legion known as the Abyss Watchers, and Yhorm, the Giant.

Those familiar with the previous Souls games will enjoy spotting the hidden secrets and nods in this trailer.

Dark Souls III releases on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on March 24 in Japan, and April 12 worldwide.

Tom Bickmore

Tom Bickmore

Staff Writer

Biggest mug at GameGrin

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VodKaVK - 03:54pm, 8th February 2016

*squeals of excitement*

trbickmore - 05:49pm, 8th February 2016 Author

Just hearing that voice again... 

"Yes. Indeed..."This is the proper Dark Souls sequel
