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Dreamfall Chapters Book 5 Release Date Incoming, New Screens Revealed

Red Thread Games have issued an update on the upcoming release of Dreamfall Chapters Book 5: Redux. Over on the game's Kickstarter page, the developers stated that a release date for Book 5 will be announced in the week beginning 6th June 2016. Take a look above for the new screenshots revealed from Redux.

We don't usually do this, because pre-announcements are silly, but it's been a long, long, looong wait — so here goes:

Next week we're announcing the release date for Book Five.

That's right, we just teased the announcement of the release date of our final episode. We hate ourselves.

Does this mean Book Five is close? Why, yes. Yes, it does. We don't make a habit of announcing release dates until we're very close and know for sure we'll make it. So by next Friday, June 10th, you'll know when the end of our journey is due.

James Robert Clements

James Robert Clements

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VodKaVK - 01:43am, 5th June 2016

I had never heard of this game. It looks so good!

Emseypenguin - 04:32pm, 5th June 2016

You should totally play it Vod - it's basically Siege but with a meaningful plot!
