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EU Pricing Introduced for Humble Store

EU Pricing Introduced for Humble Store

The charitable Humble Store is now introducing EU pricing for the UK and Europe in order to stop customers potentially being charged more for games.

Prices on the Humble Store will now be displayed in users local currency as opposed to American dollars, moderators will update prices daily to the current exchange rate to ensure international customers don't lose out. 

A blog post on the Humble website explains that:

Humble Pricing is an automated price that is updated every night based on the US dollar price of the game.


Humble Pricing doesn't scale up for VAT or other charges. It simply translates a single worldwide price to each currency.


The pricing you see on the games is based directly on the most current exchange rate.

At the moment "Humble Pricing" is only being introduced for the Humble Store and not weekly sales or the famed Humble Bundles.



News Specialist

Hater of everything you love, also wears a hoodie at all times to hide how fat he truly is.