Get In The Spooky Mood With The Quiplash 3 and Drawful 2 Halloween Episodes!
Many games are getting into the Halloween spirit (pun intended) as All Hallows' Eve draws inexorably closer, and now the Jackbox franchise has joined in the fun! Available in Drawful II and Quiplash 3 (via The Jackbox Party Pack 7), special Halloween-themed episodes are now available!
To enable these special episodes, boot up either game normally and enter the lobby. The first player to enter, the VIP, will have the option to select the EPISODES MENU button. Give that a tap, and you will be able to enter a code! Simple as that.
After successfully entering the code, the lobby changes visually to reflect the new spooky theme! So get your friends and get to being Drawful or to Quiplashing!
The codes are as follows:
Quiplash 3 Halloween Code: DFH-DQKN
Drawful 2 Halloween Code: FVY-GLFP