Have a Bloody Valentine with Sega's Make War not Love Tournament
SEGA have announced their third annual "Make war, not Love" event. If you've not seen the event before, the basic principle is that Sega pit two of their developers off against each other in a fight to see who has the most popular games. The developer with their game played the most over the event gets crowned the victor.
In the first two events, Company of Heroes 2 has been champion. This year, they are aiming to claim a third title. They will be up against Total War: Attila and for the first time, a third challenger emerges in the form of Warhammer 40,000; Dawn of War II.
Running between 14th February at 18.00 GMT and 20th February 19.00GMT, the event will see which of Sega's three biggest RTS franchises is the most popular. All you need to do to take part is play your chosen game as much as possible during the contest.
To give new players an incentive to join the action, Total War: ATTILA, Company of Heroes 2 and Dawn of War II will all be available to buy at 75% off for the duration of the contest and will be available to play for free from Thursday until Saturday. Every 48 hours throughout the contest, the community in the lead will unlock a selection of games from SEGA’s back catalogue to download for free, in addition to some bumper discounts for other SEGA titles. In addition to this, the winning community at the end of the contest will unlock a piece of content specific to their game to download for free.
The website launches today at www.makewarnotlove.com where all the terms and conditions surrounding the competition and pre-match trash talking can be found! Once the competition starts it will be your go-to-place to find out who’s winning and to claim the spoils of war.