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Hayfever - A 2D Platformer that Makes Superpowers out of Sneezes

Postman Thomas is the unfortunate, allergy ridden protagonist of upcoming pixel-art platformer, Hayfever. He's a resourceful one though, able to take full advantage of the benefits that come from allergies (apparently they exist) to deliver his mail on time.

Across 140 levels which span four seasons, Thomas' allergies will give him access to 'powers' that'll be crucial to overcoming the obstacles and platforming challenges in his way. Hayfever is challenging; players will need to replay levels and master mechanics to just reach the end. As for the 240 optional 'lost letters', only the most skilled players stand a chance —don't be fooled by the vibrant colours and cute artstyle.

Different allergens will give Thomas different abilities: pollen causes sneezing which propels him through the air, smog causes him to swell up "like a balloon" and peanuts are —according to developer Pixadome— "a WHOLE other story".

Hayfever launches 25th February on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch for $14.99 (around £12). The game is also launching at a 15% launch discount for Steam players. check out the release date trailer above.

Jamie Davies

Jamie Davies

Staff Writer

Raised on a steady diet of violent shooters and sugary cereal. He regrets no part of this

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