Major Cracking Group Prophecises the Death of Piracy
In terrible news for people who don't like to pay for goods and services, one of the largest cracking groups has stated that they feel the games publishers are starting to win the war on piracy. The head of 3DM Forum, a message board dedicated to one of the largest cracking groups in the world, took to her blog to explain the frustrations that the group are experiencing.
She details how the lead coder working on Just Cause 3 almost gave up trying as the Denuvo anti-piracy software that the game uses is so difficult to work around. Denuvo isn't a DRM method in itself, but a prophylactic software that protects crackers from gaining access to the nuts any bolts of the DRM mechanism in use to protect the game. It's the 6ft barbed wire fence to DRM's front door if you will. It's also capable of changing itself as well so as to foil any would-be attempts to bypass it.
“Recently, many people have asked about cracks for ‘Just Cause 3′, so here is a centralized answer to this question. The last stage is too difficult and Jun [cracking guy] nearly gave up, but last Wednesday I encouraged him to continue [...] I still believe that this game can be compromised. But according to current trends in the development of encryption technology, in two years time I’m afraid there will be no free games to play in the world.” said Bird Sister, 3DM Forums
The team are finding the software particularly difficult to bypass. Just Cause 3 is the latest to be protected by the software which also protects a number of other titles such as Mad Max and FIFA 15, the latter of which has lasted since September without being cracked. With such a long lead time after release until cracking of a game, it runs the risk that by the time it is available pirated, it is already irrelevant as fans are waiting for the next installment instead.
Software companies have long cited piracy as a reason for the rising price of games. With this in mind: If the trend of games that can't be cracked continues, we should all be able to look forward to cheaper games in 2018, subject to Bird Sister's prediction being accurate and that line being more than just empty rhetoric.
TGK - 01:24pm, 16th January 2016
The last note is interesting. If cracking does cease, then game publishers may be forced to reduce pricing.