Pearl Abyss Unveils New Updates at the 10 Year Anniversary Calpheon Ball for Black Desert!
Celebrating the 10 year anniversary of Black Desert at Calpheon Ball, Pearl Abyss live-streamed to the global community from the Suwon Messe in South Korea. Not only were they celebrating the milestone, but it was time to announce a slew of updates, expansions, and most importantly, Deadeye, the new character class.
But, before we talk about the launch of Deadeye and the different events to look forward to in Black Desert, let's discuss the major updates they'll be bringing to the game.
Now, Pearl Abyss announced some pretty big updates to the Season Server, the gateway for newbies eager to get into Black Desert. So, they can expect some boosted progression, where players can appreciate a 1,000% combat EXP boost so they can fast-track their progress. They'll also get to earn special materials to craft Ornette's and Odore's Spirit Essence, and PEN Boss gear for graduating from the Season. Plus, they'll get the chance to get new items, like Essence of Ascent for various weapons and accessories, which they can use to simplify gear upgrades for when they move onto endgame.
It's not only new players who benefit, because life skill enthusiasts have a lot to look forward to. See, the life skill mastery cap has increased to 3,000. So, casual players don't have to worry about becoming overwhelmed as this will have a gradual improvement of gameplay. There are also new Preonne accessories and Manos tools to enhance activities. Those who enjoy fishing will appreciate the weekly fishing tournament, where they can win rewards for catching the largest. Plus, there's even auto fishing for sailors, so they can manage the crew and focus on that, allowing for a better experience for them.
There will also be new Dream Horses, Voltarion, (being added on 16th January) who is themed around lightning, and Aduanatt (soon joining Black Desert Mobile). There will be some changes to horse breeding and training to include speedier growth, and the ability to register wild ones by using empty wagons, so it will be more accessible for players to develop their mounts.
PvP fans will include Node and Conquest Wars to rebalance stat limits and siege mechanics for fiercer competition for players. There will also be a new Hardcore Server, where players will have two hours (daily) to survive and earn points against others by using exclusive gear. Just remember, that everyone is out for that gear. And of course, those who are a part of some extraordinary guilds could win the coveted Harbinger of Doom: the Black Dragon mount.
And of course, last but not least, let's talk about Deadeye. Deadeye is the 29th class to come to Black Desert, embracing the Wild West aesthetic. Deadeye is armed with revolvers, shotgun, and the Lil' Devil rocket launcher. Hailing from the New Victoria of the parallel Earth, she finds herself in the Black Desert universe through Earth's Marni's experiments. Fans can look forward to Deadeye expanding the lore with her fast-paced gunplay gameplay. Early access to Deadeye will begin on 20th January, but she'll officially be joining the fray on 24th December for both Black Desert Online and Black Desert Mobile.
Of course, Black Desert Mobile isn't to be ignored. We've already mentioned Aduanatt coming soon, but players will be able to awaken the Dawnveil Gear, boosting their combat stats significantly, and rewarding high-level players from 31st December. The party co-op mode, Atoraxxion: Vahmalkea will also be coming on the same day, where adventurers will need to defeat powerful Ancient Guardians, where they'll need to conquer each section with different strategies. This content will be accessible for players five times a week, and you can obtain loot such as Okiara's Blessing.
As of 21st January, Black Desert Mobile players will be able to enter the 24-hour accessible PvPvE content of Nightmare: Tshira. The Ruins of Tshira will be transformed into a battleground with different zones for different power levels. So, while the challenge is intense, it's also balanced. The good news is, high-power Adventurers won't be able to take over hunting zones, as Pearl Abyss have included progressive debuffs and other innovative mechanics to prevent a monopoly. On the same day, there will also be access to improved consumables and brand-new crafting materials, such as Concentrated HP Potions which will restore up to 1,500 HP. These include new materials like Spirit Dust as well, and will help any Adventurer in PvE and PvP battles.
So, as you can see, there's a lot to look forward to in Black Desert, with plenty of future updates, enhancements, and quality-of-life improvements announced at the Calpheon Ball.