Petition Against Anita Sarkeesian's Involvement with Mirror's Edge 2
Someone who recently discovered that well-known internet feminist Anita Sarkeesian has had an involvement in the development of the upcoming Mirror's Edge 2, has started a petition against it. It requires less than 4,000 more signatures to reach its goal of 35,000, since it began on 1st October. It was started by Danielle Bristol.
The petition reads thusly:
We the undersigned are presenting our names in solidarity against the decision of EA Games and DICE to include Anita Sarkeesian in any aspect of the game development of Mirror's Edge 2. Our reasoning follows as thus:
Anita Sarkeesian has no credibility or experience in game development. She is merely a self proclaimed critic and her opinions should offer no sound foundations in the development of this or any game. She has no experience in the industry.
Anita does not speak for gamers, female or otherwise, on the difficulty or appeal of games. She only offers personal insights catering to her own agenda. In fact, she went so far as to say that women needed a whole new "simplified" control set for this game, based on her personal experiences, passing them off as the opinion of the female gaming community.
In the past, Anita has even spoken against her status as a gamer, only to rebut her stance to serve her own purposes.
We are not against strong portrayls [sic] of women in video games, but believe that consultations on games should be given by more credible and experienced sources. We agree with Anita's right to voice her opinion on any subject matter she sees fit, however we do not agree with her input on a professional level and do not want to see the game we love influcened [sic] by ignorance.
And while it is true that Sarkeesian spoke at DICE quite a while ago, we can find no evidence of an ongoing contribution to the development of the DICE-created game.
She posted a video to Twitter yesterday of her speaking at the XOXO Festival back in September, where she debunked the alleged comment about the controls in Mirror's Edge.
We have reached out to her for comment and will update this story if we get a response.
If you still wish to sign the petition, you can find it here.