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Play Advanced Warfare This Week And Receive Limited Edition Gear

Play Advanced Warfare This Week And Receive Limited Edition Gear

As a bit of a Christmas treat from Sledgehammer Games, players who spend some time on Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare this week will receive some unique gear.

On a post on Sledgehammer Games community site, the creators of the most recent Call of Duty game stated that:

"everyone that plays Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare this week (from Monday, 12/22 at 9AM PDT to Friday, 12/26 at 9AM PDT) [will receive] the KVA Paramilitary Helmet as an exclusive reward".

The rest of the items in the KVA Paramilitary set have become permanent additions to the various loot items available via Supply Drops in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.

If you fancy getting a free treat for playing Call of Duty, then make sure you log on before the week is over.


Dom D'Angelillo

Dom D'Angelillo

Staff Writer

Dom is an English Language graduate. How does he make the most of his degree? He plays obscene amounts of Playstation of course!


Kaostic - 12:41pm, 24th December 2014

@[782425202:Harrie Silver Bailey]
