Rock Band 4 Announced
Earlier today, Harmonix announced that they will be releasing Rock Band 4 on Xbox One and PlayStation 4.
That's right, Rock Band is back and it's moving to the current generation of consoles. At present, it is unknown how many songs will be available at the launch of the title, but Harmonix have announced that players will be able to draw from over 2,000 songs in the form of DLC.
The creative energy and excitement at the studio right now is at an all-time high. We’re thrilled to have Mad Catz as an important partner as we move the franchise to a new generation of consoles, and we can’t wait to show our fans how we’re evolving the gameplay they love.
- Daniel Sussman, Product Manager for Harmonix
With the new game comes new instruments, developed and manufactured by Mad Catz Interactive. At launch, two bundles will be available:
- Band-in-a-box: The base game, 1 Wireless Fender Stratocaster Guitar, 1 Wireless Drum Kit, and 1 Microphone (not confirmed wireless).
- Guitar Bundle: The base game and 1 Wireless Fender Stratocaster Guitar.
We are very excited to bring the band back together, and re-team with Harmonix to deliver the next installment of the legendary Rock Band franchise to a new generation of consoles. Harmonix understands music gaming better than anyone, and we are confident that the unrivalled music selection and next generation features will prove incredibly enticing to passionate gamers and music fans alike.
- Darren Richardson, President and Chief Executive Officer of Mad Catz.
djd4ws0n - 08:39pm, 5th March 2015
Kaostic - 08:48pm, 5th March 2015 Author
This may be the game that makes me move into current-gen consoles. Dammit.
JK Ferret - 09:08pm, 5th March 2015
Ditto Kaostic. Even more so if I'm allowed to re-download all my DLC with no extra costs (you would think so, but considering who controls the "store" for it..).
Been strongly considering the Pro guitar for a while for RB3, I'll certainly hold out on it for now and wait to see what happens for RB4. MOAR PLASTIC INSTRUMENTS RAWR
Emseypenguin - 10:06pm, 5th March 2015
I wonder if they'll allow cross-platform transferal. I doubt it. Had all the games on Xbox 360 but a PS4. Regardless this is a given purchase.
Kaostic - 02:24pm, 9th March 2015 Author
I sold/got rid of all my old kit so I'd be fine with getting a new one. To be honest, my main issue would be space at the moment. Even if I did get a next-gen console, my TV is above my bed, meaning I couldn't really play drums (the main instrument I like in the Rock Band series).
dpmarker17 - 06:51pm, 7th March 2015
Dont really wanna buy a new "band kit" - cost me £100 on X360!
djd4ws0n - 10:30am, 9th March 2015
I read some tweets that said they're looking into if/how compatibility could be a thing.
Which would be very interesting, as other devices aren't compatible...
The Griddler - 11:08pm, 7th March 2015
I wish this was coming out for 360, I recently invested in the full kit!
Kaostic - 02:24pm, 9th March 2015 Author
Why have you only recently invested in it? It's been out for years.