Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC Fighter 5 Will Be Announced in a Video Presentation
The final Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Fighters Pass character will be shown off this week on 16th January, in a 35-minute livestream video hosted by the games director Masahiro Sakurai.
This will likely be similar to the extensive videos that were recorded for previous DLC fighters Hero, Banjo & Kazooie and Terry. In these presentations Sakurai would break down each character in excessive detail, elaborating on their history extensively and flexing his videogame knowledge.
While there is currently no concrete information on who the next DLC fighter is, many believe it will be Dante from the Devil May Cry series based on some recent information and potential evidence.
The first connection comes from current DMC producer Matt Walker who recently uploaded a short video to the official Devil May Cry Twitter page, talking about the upcoming Nintendo Switch port of Devil May Cry 3. In it, he teased more information on 16th January, 30th January and 13th February, with the 16th being the same date as this video presentation.
Another potential hint or slip up comes from a video AMA with V’s voice actor from Devil May Cry 5. In it, he talks about wanting to be in Smash Bros. and Marvel vs. Capcom, saying “which is what Dante is going to be.” Of course this could just be some accidental misinformation from the voice actor, but it also sounds like it could be a potential slip-up of private information.
None of this is concrete confirmation for Dante, so it wouldn’t be wise for fans of the character to get too excited about his potential inclusion prior to the presentation.
The video presentation will be airing at 2pm UK time on 16th January.