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Upcoming Voxel-based SkyVerse Shares Second DevLog Covering Combat Mechanics and More

Developer Enjoy Studio S.A. and publisher Bohemia Interactive, who you might know as the team behind DayZ and a plethora of other titles, are proud to share the second DevLog for SkyVerse. This voxel-based, procedurally generated, first-person adventure is reminiscent of Mojang's Minecraft, featuring a sky full of land to explore.

This latest DevLog focuses on the prevalent combat mechanics that will make a prominent part in your SkyVerse adventure. Learn a bit more about the combat that you'll encounter throughout the procedurally generated, a few of the foes you'll meet, and more.

One of the interesting mechanics mentioned in the video are the Dungeons that will be scattered throughout the world. Featuring both underground and above-ground dungeons, they use their own procedural generation code, including pre-determined rooms, and they're full of enemies for you to fight against, alongside loot equivalent to the difficulty of the dungeon you tackled.

We also learned a bit about the different types of weapons that we'll be able to wield. The weapons mentioned in the DevLog are:

  • One-handed weapons, with swords, maces, and clubs
  • Two-handed weapons, with hammers, axes, and long swords
  • Daggers, these are the light-weight weapons with least damage but rapid attack speed
  • Bows, which you'll need to acquire a slew of arrows to use, and the draw strength will determine the arrow travel distance and the strength of the attack
  • Magic staves, featuring various spells with magical projectiles

From there, the video touches on the numerous types of weapon mechanics that players will be able to engage with. The video touches on a variety of mechanics that will be available, including blocking, combos, stamina management, and even weapon attributes.

Don't miss out on SkyVerse's in-depth DevLog#2 above, and stay tuned for more information about the game. It currently doesn't have a release date, but it is tagged as a "coming soon" title on Steam, and you can wishlist and follow right now.

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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